Introductory Chemistry

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Introductory Chemistry por Mind Map: Introductory Chemistry

1. Chemical Reactions

1.1. Kinetics

1.1.1. Luminol

1.1.2. 1 PowerPoint

1.2. pH Equilibria

1.2.1. 1 PowerPoint

1.2.2. 1 seminar PowerPoint

1.2.3. Balancing equations

1.2.4. 2 practical sessions

1.3. Redox reactions

1.3.1. 1 PowerPoint

1.4. Thermochemistry

1.4.1. Thermochemistry

1.4.2. Standard Enthalpy of Formation

1.4.3. Hess’s law

1.4.4. 1 PowerPoint

1.4.5. Seminar Questions

2. Biological Molecules

2.1. Carbohydrates

2.1.1. 1 PowerPoint Forthcoming

2.2. Proteins

2.2.1. 1 PowerPoint Forthcoming

2.3. Lipids

2.3.1. 1 PowerPoint Forthcoming

3. Chemical and Physical Properties

3.1. Physical vs Chemical properties

3.1.1. 1 PowerPoint

3.1.2. 1 assessment on-line

3.2. Isomerism

3.2.1. 1 PowerPoint

3.3. Radioactivity

3.3.1. 2 PowerPoints

3.4. Spectroscopy

3.4.1. Beer-Lambert law

3.4.2. Practical sessions

3.4.3. 1 Power Point

4. Skills in Chemistry

4.1. Lab Procedures

4.2. Accuracy and errors

4.3. Report format and presentation of data

4.4. Writing a scientific report

4.5. Guide to referencing

4.6. Rearranging equations

4.7. Rearranging harder equations

4.8. Standard deviation

5. Chemical Structure

5.1. Structure of matter

5.1.1. 2 PowerPoints

5.1.2. Molecular Orbitals

5.1.3. 1 PowerPoint seminar

5.1.4. Seminar Questions

5.1.5. Energy Level Diagrams

5.1.6. Calculating moles

5.2. Chemical bonding

5.2.1. 5 Powerpoints

5.2.2. Bonding and Anti-bonding

5.2.3. 1 assessment on-line

5.3. Chemical nomenclature

5.3.1. 1 PowerPoint

5.3.2. 1 assessment on-line

6. Organic Chemistry

6.1. Structure of organic compounds

6.1.1. 1 PowerPoint

6.1.2. 1 assessment on-line

6.2. Classification of organic compounds

6.2.1. Functional Groups

6.2.2. 1 seminar PowerPoint

6.2.3. 1 PowerPoint

6.2.4. 1 assessment on-line

6.3. Forensic Science use

6.3.1. 1 PowerPoint