Stratatic plan: key factors

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Stratatic plan: key factors by Mind Map: Stratatic plan: key factors

1. Human rights challenges

1.1. New structures: ICC / Council

1.2. US attitude towards HR

1.3. Terrorism: HR weakened

1.4. Funding shift towards local orgs

1.5. Plethora of new NGOs

1.6. Becoming a "business" or becoming more professional?

2. Our weaknesses

2.1. Poor fundraising

2.2. Stagnating tools devt.

2.3. Weak partnerships with key actors like OHCHR

2.4. Weak outreach - marketing

2.5. Current core-funding does not cover costs

3. Our strengths

3.1. Increased number of communities using tools

3.2. HuriSearch: search know-how

3.3. More donors: FCO, Germans, OSI

3.4. More systematic training approach: pool, projects, tools

3.5. Much better website

3.6. Move towards e-learning

3.7. New partners: academic (IHEID)

3.8. Tools-website translations ++

4. New Strategy

4.1. Tools development

4.1.1. Links to open source community

4.1.2. Better involvement of user community

4.2. Management

4.2.1. Better partnerships

4.2.2. Better fundraising

4.2.3. More human resources Tools officer Executive director Communications officer

4.3. Training

4.3.1. Distance learning

4.3.2. Self-learning

4.3.3. Stronger and more cohesive pool

4.3.4. More HURIDOCS-managed projects

4.3.5. Push into Russian, Spanish, Arabic

4.4. Network

4.4.1. Strengthen regional / thematic networks

4.4.2. Better marketing, outreach to potential users

5. Info / doc opportunities

5.1. Open source community

5.2. Web applications

5.3. Mobile telecommunications ++

5.4. Bloggers

5.5. Internet access ++

6. Info/Doc: growing needs

6.1. More effective web presence

6.2. Ability to produce relevant just-in-time knowledge

6.2.1. Managers need to better intregrate monitoring/documentation

6.2.2. More realistic, creative, responsive, timely production of information

6.2.3. Better usage of existing data (own, external)

6.3. Need to standardize accross networks

6.4. Better security of data

6.5. Documentation centers: changing role

6.5.1. More online resources

6.5.2. Consolidation, collaboration, compatibility

6.5.3. Need to digitalize paper documents

7. Info/doc: what has improved

7.1. Basic fact-finding: UKWELI, etc.

7.2. Documentation center management

8. Info /doc challenges

8.1. Information overload

8.2. Visibility of small players