McWorld vs Jihad: Domestic Violence in Peru vs. United States

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McWorld vs Jihad: Domestic Violence in Peru vs. United States by Mind Map: McWorld vs Jihad: Domestic Violence in Peru vs. United States

1. DV Statistics

1.1. USA

1.1.1. Domestic violence statistics 25% of american women have experienced domestic violence 3 deaths per day as a result of domestic abuse (3.6*10-6 75% of Americans know personally know someone that has been a victim of domestic violence

1.2. Peru

1.2.1. Domestic Violence statistics 50% of women have been subjected to domestic violence in Peru (61% in rural areas) 10 deaths a month as a result of domestic violence (4.16 x-6) Peru is 1.2 million km( twice the size of texas)

2. What is Domestic Violence?

2.1. Power and Control Cycle

3. Laws

3.1. USA

3.1.1. Federal Law VAWA - Violence Against Women's Act - 1994-2012 The Act provided $1.6 billion toward investigation and prosecution of violent crimes against women, imposed automatic and mandatory restitution on those convicted, and allowed civil redress in cases prosecutors chose to leave unprosecuted. The Act also established the Office on Violence Against Women within the Department of Justicehe Act provided $1.6 billion toward investigation and prosecution of violent crimes against women, imposed automatic and mandatory restitution on those convicted, and allowed civil redress in cases prosecutors chose to leave unprosecuted. The Act also established the Office on Violence Against Women within the Department of Justice. - Wikipedia

3.1.2. State Laws CO Fast Track in cases of Domestic violence or sexual assault - upon release from authorities the accused is immediately placed under a restraining order not allowing the perpetrator to be within xx ft of the victim.

3.2. Peru

3.2.1. National Law for Protection from Family Violence established a distinct and expedited procedure for dealing with cases of domestic violence and sought to define more clearly the respective roles and responsibilities of those within the justice system who are involved with such cases

4. Nation State Identity

4.1. USA

4.1.1. Traditional patriarchal society, but progressing to a more gender equal society 68% of women in the workforce McWorld

4.2. Peru

4.2.1. Culture is flooded with Machismo (Very patriarchal society) 62% of women are in the workforce More traditional gender roles because of conservative social values. Strong Catholic church - 81% Beating women can be seen as justified if she is not fulfilling her role as a women in the eyes of her aggressor Peru and its attitude towards domestic violence would be classified as a Jihad point of view

5. Enforcement of Laws

5.1. USA

5.1.1. "Only approximately one-quarter of all physical assaults, one-fifth of all rapes are reported to law enforcement "

5.2. Peru

5.2.1. Protection is often denied by the courts to women who fear an attack by a spouse of significant other "From 1996-1997, prosecutors issued protective measures in only one out of 45 domestic violence cases filed." More than half of domestic violence cases never actually reach a verdict

6. Underreporting?

7. Victim Support Networks

7.1. USA

7.1.1. 1,920 domestic violence shelters in the US 156,250 women per shelter over 2x the percent of shelters that Peru has

7.2. Peru

7.2.1. Only 73 CEM's( Emergency Centers for women) in the entire country Only 40% of domestic violence cases get followed up on Understaffed and over worked social workers can have up to 120 cases per month - 20 working days/mo 397,000 women per CEM