Distance Learning
by Lyana Parzhetskaja
1. Interactions
1.1. Individual approach
1.2. In real time
1.3. From recorded materials/ e-mails
2. Motivation
2.1. Teacher motivates students
2.2. Students themselves
3. Students
3.1. SRL
3.1.1. Using of SRL strategies
3.1.2. Follow their own progress
3.1.3. Recognize the result of learning
3.1.4. Goal orientation
3.2. Collaboration
3.3. Computer competence
3.4. Questionnaires
3.4.1. Software
3.4.2. Motivation
3.4.3. Habits
3.4.4. Equipment
4. Teachers
4.1. Scaffolding
4.2. Teaching methods
4.2.1. Games
4.2.2. Role games
4.2.3. Project- based learning
4.3. Tasks
5. Materials
5.1. Connected to the real life
5.2. E-books
5.3. Slides
6. Technology
6.1. Tools for communication
6.2. Tools for searching information
6.3. Tools for collaboration
6.4. Tools for (self-)evaluation
6.5. Tools for feedback from teachers and peers
6.6. Web 2.0
6.6.1. PLE
6.6.2. Blog
6.7. Google
6.7.1. Google drive
6.7.2. Gmail
6.7.3. Google hangout