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Theories von Mind Map: Theories

1. Technology Theories

1.1. SCOT (Social Construction of Technology)

1.1.1. Beleif that human action shapes technology (opposite of Media Ecology) Ex. If we desire a machine to perform a certain task, us as humans will create that machine, therefore shaping technology

1.1.2. Humans can experiment with technology to determine whether it is sucessful or not Encorperates Constructivist ideas

1.1.3. The quality of technology is determined by society and how people receive it Example - despite RIM producing a technologically advanced Blackberry, it was unsucessful due to society's rejection of it, with people opting to purchaise iphones and Android devices instead

1.2. Media Ecology

1.2.1. The study of the enviroments created by media no concrete definition, defined by our surroundings

1.2.2. Technology greatly influences society, therefore influencing one's viewpoint and how one sees the world

1.2.3. Beleives Humans are affected by technology (opposite of SCOT) Ex. As technology emerges, we as humans adapt to fit that technology


2.1. Teachers need to have three types of knowledge

2.1.1. Technological

2.1.2. Pedegogical

2.1.3. Content

2.2. TPACK links these 3 types of knoweldge, and is successfully acheived when a teacher encorperates them all in their teaching.

2.2.1. Combination of Technological, Pedegogical, and Content knowledge, not just one type or a combination of two types.

2.2.2. Seen when a teacher uses technology to convey content in a clear pedegogical manner

2.2.3. Can be displayed in a Venn Diagram, as seen at the following link:

3. Learning Theories

3.1. Constructivism

3.1.1. Knowledge is contructed by the learner through basic discoveries. These discoveries are used to answer a bigger question.

3.1.2. Process involves collecting ideas, using ideas, and constructing one's own knowledge

3.1.3. Involves the use of exsisting knowledge to build new knowledge Example: Using our knowledge of shapes in designing a blueprint for a bridge. If we know that a triangle is the stongest shape, we can ensure our bridge's blueprint includes many triangles.

3.1.4. Allows for creative thinking and problem solving

3.1.5. Rejects the traditional role of a teacher, whom moves from a lecturer to af acilitator teachers give students direction to guide their discussion

3.2. Connectivism

3.2.1. Students learn best when they are able to make connections between all the knowledge they are acquiring

3.2.2. Knowledge is of the world, and does not exsist simply in the mind of an individual

3.2.3. Learning is an active process As we continue to gain more knowledge, we are able to make more connections - never ending process

3.2.4. A teacher's role is to provide students with the opportunity to make connections, expanding their knowledge base

3.3. Cognitive Load

3.3.1. Mental processes of how to think, perceive, learn, and remember knowledge

3.3.2. Knowledge is contructed in the mind

3.3.3. 3 types of memory: Short term, Long term, and Working Short term - place of original, unprocessed thought. Must be moved to long term or working if we want to process it Long term - is facilitated when one connects new information to something they already know. This new information is then stored Working - where new information stays while being processed

3.3.4. Learning done through Discovery and the Spiral curriculum Discovery Learning - where the learning process is more important than the end product. Also helps create relations between knowledge Spiral Curriculum - knowledge is presented in 3 modes of presentation. Also encouraged ideas to be reviewed at a higher level.

3.3.5. Teachers need to be mindful of the quantity of information they are presenting to their students - allow time to process

4. Philosophy of Teachnology

4.1. A Philosophical field dedicated to studying technology and its social effects

4.2. Similar to a teacher's Philosophy of Teaching

4.2.1. Addresses the personalized perspective and values a teacher has on technology in the classroom and in their learning enviroment

4.2.2. Some teachers may develop a written Philosophy of Teachnology statement for their own personal use or to share with others Can help others understand a teachers perpective and know where they stand in terms of technology in the classroom

4.3. Includes, but is not limited to, the use of technology for PLNs, research, projects, pedagogical process, and content application

4.3.1. A teacher's Philosophy of Teachnology will determine the extent to which these are utilized in the classroom.