Electromagnetic Waves

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Electromagnetic Waves by Mind Map: Electromagnetic Waves

1. transverse waves

2. obey general wave equation

3. travel at a constant speed of 3.0x10^8 m/s

4. does not require medium

5. obey laws of reflection & refraction

6. Ultra-violet rays (UV)

6.1. causes tanning of the skin

6.1.1. because UV stimulates production of a skin pigment (melanin)

6.2. excessive exposure may cause sunburn and even skin cancer from DNA damage

6.3. used by flowers to attract pollinators

6.4. used in bank notes/passports/credit cards

6.4.1. UV watermarks will appear under UV exposure

7. X-rays

7.1. high frequencies & high penetrating capability

7.1.1. so, exposure is hazardous and people have to be well protected

7.1.2. cancer risk from radiation

7.2. used in X-ray medical imaging

7.2.1. boens appear black as most X-ray is absorbed by high density bones

7.2.2. white/grey portions indicate little or no absorption by soft tissues

8. Gamma rays

8.1. highest frequency end of EM spectrum

8.2. most penetrating and highly ionizing form of EM wave

8.3. emitted during radioactive decay of unstable atoms/isotopes

8.3.1. part of the widely known hazardous nuclear radiation

8.4. used to treat cancer patients

8.4.1. rays are targeted at cancerous tumours

8.4.2. but, it can also damage healthy tissues

8.4.3. patients experience nausea, hair loss and haemorrhaging as side effects

8.5. also used to sterilise tools

9. Harmful Effects of Radiation

9.1. only UV rays, X-rays and gamma rays

9.2. ionizing radiation

9.2.1. cause electrons to gain energy

9.2.2. electrons can escape from the atoms

9.2.3. causing atoms to become charged and unstable unstable atoms are more likely to initiate reactions cause mutation in cells due to damaged DNA can lead to cancer or faulty generic material being passed down to the offspring

10. Radio waves

10.1. lowest frequencies & longest wavelength

10.2. used for radio & TV broadcasting

10.3. also used in remote control cars and walkie-talkie

10.4. reflected by Ionosphere

10.4.1. an electrically charged layer of the upper atmosphere

10.4.2. so they can reach receivers that are not in the line of sight

11. Microwaves

11.1. radio waves with short wavelengths

11.2. used in microwave oven

11.2.1. food is subjected to oscillating electromagnetic fields

11.2.2. causing high polar water molecules to rotate rapidly

11.2.3. heat is generated due to friction/collisions among water molecules

11.2.4. this cannot heat up dry food

11.3. microwave transmission systems use repeaters

11.3.1. a device that receives through one antenna, converts it into an electrical signal and retransmits it

11.3.2. so that large volumes of data can be transmitted over long distances

11.3.3. propagate signals through atmosphere

11.4. also used in mobile phones

12. Infrared (IR)

12.1. NOT heat waves

12.2. sun/light bulbs emits more than half of its radiation in IR

12.3. used in remote controls

12.3.1. one type of remote control signal can only be received by a specific appliance

12.4. used in night vision equipment

12.4.1. they amplify ambient IR and converts it into electric signals, then into visible light

12.5. used in thermal imaging

12.5.1. images are created based on differences in surface temperature

12.5.2. used in airports/public places to detect people with fever during flu epidemics

13. Visible light

13.1. perceived by human eye

13.2. red light at low frequencies, violet light at high frequencies

13.3. continuous spectrum where colour is determined by frequency/wavelength

13.4. used in optical fibres, light photography and endoscopy (visual inspection of internal organs)