Which Agency Should We Hire?

This is an example of how you can use a decision matrix to evaluate solutions to a problem — such as which agency you should hire for your brand refresh.

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Which Agency Should We Hire? por Mind Map: Which Agency Should We Hire?

1. How to use this template

2. Quality

2.1. Weight: (4)

2.1.1. 3

2.1.2. 4

2.1.3. 4

3. Cost

3.1. Weight: (3)

3.1.1. 5

3.1.2. 4

3.1.3. 3

4. Creativity

4.1. Weight: (3)

4.1.1. 3

4.1.2. 5

4.1.3. 4

5. Reliability

5.1. Weight: (4)

5.1.1. 2

5.1.2. 4

5.1.3. 4

6. Customer Reviews

6.1. Weight: 4

6.1.1. 3

6.1.2. 5

6.1.3. 4

7. Final Score

7.1. Agency 1 56

7.2. Agency 2 79

7.3. Agency 3 69