Community Water Plan

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Community Water Plan por Mind Map: Community Water Plan

1. Science

1.1. Year 7

1.2. Year 8

1.3. Year 9

1.3.1. ACSSU180 Geology and plate tectonics explains where the water we use came from and why the aquifer is not recharging with new rains

1.3.2. ACSSU176 Explore how water cycles through ecosystems and the effects of Alice Springs current water use patterns

1.3.3. ACSHE160 Explore how we evaluate the impact of water use and why do different people have different opinions

1.3.4. ACSHE228 Exploring what research is being funded to address Alice Springs water issues

1.3.5. ACSIS174 Create a class proposal to go toward the community water plan; evaluating the evidence and then communicating to others

2. Maths

2.1. Year 7

2.2. Year 8

2.3. Year 9

2.3.1. ACMNA208 Explore ideas regarding the rates of water flow using different systems and the amount of water lost through different activities Explore the rate of depletion of the Alice Water supply at current rates of water use

2.3.2. ACMMG217 Calculate the volume and size of water tanks needed to supply Alice Springs for one day at the current rate of water use Calculate the volume and size of water tanks that could be supplied by rain in an average year, a wet year, and a drought year

2.3.3. ACMSP228 Conduct a water audit of the school to determine how much water is used by different activities Conduct surveys and collect data from classmates to develop a report on water use

2.3.4. ACMSP283 Compare Alice Springs per capita water use to that of other cities and discuss implications Determine what the average water savings could be if community water rules were adopted


3.1. Year 7

3.2. Year 8

3.3. Year 9

4. English

4.1. Year 7

4.2. Year 8

4.3. Year 9

5. Literacy

5.1. National Year of Reading

5.1.1. NT Writer in Residence --> Ranger stories from a Joint Management Park

5.1.2. Listening to Country by Ros Moriarty

5.1.3. Hour of reading: set up an hour once a week where students read books relating to sustainability and water use

5.2. Reading the proposed community water rules and joining in a class discussion of the ideas

5.3. Developing a class plan for informing the community water rules

5.4. Reading newspaper articles from around Australia regarding water restrictions and exploring the solutions other cities have used

5.5. Reading stories from traditional owners and notes from early explorers regarding water in the desert

6. ICT

6.1. Blogging to increase literacy

6.2. Data programs --> spreadsheets and graphing

6.3. Creating advertisement and informative posters

6.4. PowerPoint presentations

6.5. GIS data of water table levels and flow patterns; weather charts and online data repositories

7. Social Capability

7.1. Address a current issue in Alice Springs and contribute to a current process

7.1.1. Develop a class proposal to go toward the community water plan

7.2. Where does Alice Springs Water come from?

8. Sustainability

8.1. International Year of Sustainable Energy for All

8.1.1. Explore the energy required to continue to extract water from the deep aquifer and how this will increase as the water level drops

8.2. Explore the concept of water as a limited resource in the desert environment --> Alice Springs water supply is not renewable

8.3. Explore the additional ecosystem effects caused by over watering --> including the influence of salt leaching in the local ground water