Twitter Apps

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Twitter Apps by Mind Map: Twitter Apps

1. Scheduling

1.1. TweetLater

1.2. TweetFunnel

2. Commenting and Promotion

2.1. TwittyLinks

2.2. addatweet

3. Mobile

3.1. iPhone

3.1.1. Tweetie

3.2. BlackBerry

3.2.1. TwitterBerry

4. Stats

5. Business Collaboration

5.1. TweetFunnel

5.2. CoTweet

5.3. HootSuite

6. Search

6.1. TweetScan

6.2. Twits Near Me

6.3. TweetGrid

7. URL Shorteners


7.2. New node

8. Desktop Clients

8.1. Twhirl

8.2. TweetDeck

8.3. Seesmic