1. Emotional intelligence
1.1. Shamshad & Naqi Khan 2021
1.2. Dasborough Etal 2021
1.3. Fabrough & Kay Hart 2008 A Critique
1.4. Antonakis et al 2009
1.5. Boyatzis et al 2002
1.5.1. Boyatzis et al 2017 ESCI
1.6. Maio Metaanalysis 2016
1.7. Walter et al 2012
1.8. EI and TL co-related
1.8.1. Gardner and Stough 2002
1.8.2. Harms and Credé 2010 MetaAnalysis with TL
1.8.3. Issah 2018
1.9. Emotional competence.and wellbeing..? Ciarrochi & Scott 2006
1.10. Murphy 2013
1.10.1. EI is poorly defined/measured
1.10.2. just a new term for old ideas
1.10.3. has made people money/is over hyped/buzzy Lindebaum
1.11. Zeidner 2004 EI in the workplace
1.12. Emre 2021 EI is domesticating
1.13. How do you do EI and what difference does it make?
1.13.1. Emotional display in a crisis
2. Leadership development(?)
2.1. Hanna, A.A., Smith, T.A., Kirkman, B.L. and Griffin, R.W. 2021. The Emergence of Emergent Leadership: A Comprehensive Framework and Directions for Future Research. Journal of Management 47(1), pp. 76–104. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/0149206320965683 .
2.2. Reflective inventories
2.2.1. Interpreting people and triggering reflection in them Insight's Colour Energies Yellow Red Blue Green Hippocrates' Four Humours
2.2.2. Critique of self-assessment tools Dunning, D., Heath, C. and Suls, J. M. 2004. Flawed self-assessment: Implications for health, education, and the workplace. Psychological science in the public interest : a journal of the American Psychological Society 5(3), pp. 69-106. doi: 10.1111/j.1529-1006.2004.00018.x Joireman, J. A., III, L. P., & Hammersla, J. (2002). Empathy and the Self-Absorption Paradox: Support for the Distinction Between Self-Rumination and Self-Reflection. Self and Identity, 1(1), 53–65. https://doi.org/10.1080/152988602317232803 Karpen S. 2018. The Social Psychology of Biased Self-Assessment. Am J Pharm Educ. 82(5):6299. doi: 10.5688/ajpe6299.
2.3. Moving from individual 'hero' to leader
2.3.1. Maurer, T. J., & London, M. (2018). From Individual Contributor to Leader: A Role Identity Shift Framework for Leader Development Within Innovative Organizations. Journal of Management, 44(4), 1426–1452. https://doi.org/10.1177/0149206315614372
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2.4. Learning theory
2.4.1. Transformative Learning - Meizerow in Illeris 2018
2.5. Empathy
2.5.1. Jack & Levit-Jones 2022
3. Ethics and Environmental Sustainability
3.1. Sherman, J.D. et al. 2020. The Green Print: Advancement of Environmental Sustainability in Healthcare. *Resources, Conservation and Recycling* 161, p. 104882. doi: [10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.104882](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.104882).
3.2. Tochkin et al 2023 5 lessons for health systems resiliency
4. Bad leadership
4.1. laissez-faire leadership
4.1.1. is it just delegation? Norris et al 2021
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4.2. Mathieu (2021) Dark Personalities in the Workplace (book)
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4.5. Jacobs, C.M. 2019. Ineffective-Leader-Induced Occupational Stress. SAGE Open 9(2), p. 2158244019855858. https://doi.org/10.1177/2158244019855858
5. Change and Barriers
5.1. Cheraghi, R., Ebrahimi, H., Kheibar, N., & Sahebihagh, M. H. (2023). Reasons for resistance to change in nursing: an integrative review. BMC Nursing, 22(1), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-023-01460-0
6. Culture and Leadership
6.1. West, M., Lyubovnikova, J., Eckert, R. and Denis, J.-L. 2014. Collective leadership for cultures of high quality health care. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance 1(3), pp. 240–260. doi: 10.1108/JOEPP-07-2014-0039.
6.2. Senot et al. 2016 what is cross-level cooperation like and what facilitates it?
7. Motivation
7.1. 'Public service'
7.1.1. Hameduddin and Engbers 2021
7.2. Mentoring
7.2.1. Bally 2007
7.2.2. Bally, J.M.G. 2007. The role of nursing leadership in creating a mentoring culture in acute care environments. Nurs Econ 25(3), pp. 143–8; quiz 149.
7.3. Leader Talk
7.3.1. Mayfield & Mayfield 2017
7.4. Incentives
7.4.1. Bruni et al 2020
7.4.2. Walk, Zang & Littlepage 2017 Training & Recognition as incentives
7.5. Recognition
7.5.1. Gallus and Frey 2017
7.6. Charisma signaling
7.6.1. Akstinaite, V., Jensen, U.T., Vlachos, M., Erne, A. and Antonakis, J. 2024. Charisma is a costly signal. *The Leadership Quarterly* 35(6), p. 101810. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.leaqua.2024.101810
8. Human dynamics and cohesion
8.1. Incivility
8.1.1. CIPD 2022 [unavailable to non-members :( ]
8.1.2. Collins & Rogers 2017 Growing Concerns With Workplace Incivility
8.1.3. Keller et al 2020 Predictors and triggers of incivility within healthcare teams: a systematic review of the literature
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8.2. Conflict
8.2.1. Grubaugh and Flynn 2018 leadership and conflict management Nursing
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8.3. Hierarchical Challenge
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8.4. Teams
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8.5. Ideas promoting cohesion
8.5.1. Robert et al 2017 Schwartz Rounds
8.6. Psychological safety
8.6.1. Remtulla et al 2021 barriers to psychological safety
8.6.2. Ortega et al 2014 The Influence of Change-Oriented Leadership and Psychological Safety on Team Learning in Healthcare Teams
8.6.3. O’Donovan, R. and McAuliffe, E. 2020. A systematic review exploring the content and outcomes of interventions to improve psychological safety, speaking up and voice behaviour. BMC Health Services Research 20(1), p. 101. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-020-4931-2.
8.6.4. Edmondson Amy 2019 The Fearless Organisation, Book Article
8.6.5. Ma et al 2021 Servant Leadership, psychological safety and burnout
8.6.6. Newman, A., Donohue. R. & Eva, N. 2017. Psychological Safety: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Human Resource Management Review 27(3), pp. 521-535. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hrmr.2017.01.001
9. Communication
9.1. Perception/response
9.1.1. Agrylis' internal ladder of perception to response Agrylis 1982 'The executive mind' Pattison, N. and Corser, R. 2022. Compassionate, collective or transformational nursing leadership to ensure fundamentals of care are achieved: A new challenge or non‐sequitur? Journal of Advanced Nursing , p. jan.15202. doi: 10.1111/jan.15202.
9.2. Prosocial voice Richmond 2023
9.3. Getting discomforting news
9.3.1. Lee 2021 and psychological safety
9.4. Emotional display
9.4.1. Schmodde, L. and Wehner, M.C. 2023. Employee reactions to leader emotional display strategies in a crisis situation. *European Management Review* 20(3), pp. 543–560. https://10.1111/emre.12555
10. Leadership styles
10.1. Styles considered and compared
10.1.1. Amitay, M., Popper, M. and Lipshitz, R. 2005. Leadership styles and organizational learning in community clinics. The Learning Organization 12(1), pp. 57–70. https://doi.org/10.1108/09696470510574269
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10.1.3. Chemers, M.M. 2008. Leadership Effectiveness: An Integrative Review. In: Hogg, M. A. and Tindale, R. S. eds. *Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology: Group Processes* . Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers Ltd, pp. 376–399.
10.1.4. Harris, J. and Mayo, P. 2018. Taking a case study approach to assessing alternative leadership models in health care. British Journal of Nursing 27(11), pp. 608–613. doi: 10.12968/bjon.2018.27.11.608.
10.1.5. Hitch, D., Lhuede, K., Giles, S., Low, R., Cranwell, K. and Stefaniak, R. 2020. Perceptions of leadership styles in occupational therapy practice. Leadership in Health Services 33(3), pp. 295–306. doi: 10.1108/LHS-11-2019-0074.
10.1.6. James, A.H. and Bennett, C.L. 2022. Effective nurse leadership in times of crisis. Nursing Management 29(5). Available at: https://doi.org/10.7748/nm.2020.e1936 [Accessed: 17 November 2022].
10.1.7. Lega, F. and Palumbo, R. 2021. Leading through the ‘new normality’ of health care. Health Services Management Research 34(1), pp. 47–52. doi: 10.1177/0951484820987496.
10.1.8. Sfantou, D.F., Laliotis, A., Patelarou, A.E., Sifaki- Pistolla, D., Matalliotakis, M. and Patelarou, E. 2017. Importance of Leadership Style towards Quality of Care Measures in Healthcare Settings: A Systematic Review. Healthcare 5(4), p. 73. doi: 10.3390/healthcare5040073.
10.1.9. Sørensen, K. et al. 2022. Leadership behaviours and health-related early exit from employment: a prospective cohort study of 55 364 employees. European Journal of Public Health 32(5), pp. 709–715. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckac098.
10.1.10. Specchia, M.L., Cozzolino, M.R., Carini, E., Di Pilla, A., Galletti, C., Ricciardi, W. and Damiani, G. 2021. Leadership Styles and Nurses’ Job Satisfaction. Results of a Systematic Review. *International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health* 18(4), p. 1552. doi: [10.3390/ijerph18041552](https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18041552).
10.2. Assorted 'styles'
10.2.1. Cardiff, S., McCormack, B. and McCance, T. 2018. Person-centred leadership: A relational approach to leadership derived through action research. Journal of Clinical Nursing 27(15–16), pp. 3056–3069. doi: 10.1111/jocn.14492.
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10.2.3. Leadership as interaction Clifton, J., Larsson, M., & Schnurr, S. (2020). Leadership in interaction. An introduction to the Special Issue. Leadership, 16(5), 511-521. https://doi-org.abc.cardiff.ac.uk/10.1177/1742715020954790
10.2.4. Complexity leadership - Porter O'Grady
10.3. Authentic Leadership
10.3.1. Avolio, B.J. and Gardner, W.L. 2005. Authentic leadership development: Getting to the root of positive forms of leadership. The Leadership Quarterly 16(3), pp. 315–338. doi: 10.1016/j.leaqua.2005.03.001.
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10.4. Distributed Leadership
10.4.1. Martin, G., Beech, N., MacIntosh, R. and Bushfield, S. 2015. Potential challenges facing distributed leadership in health care: evidence from the UK National Health Service. Sociology of Health & Illness 37(1), pp. 14–29. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9566.12171 .
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10.5. Compassionate Leadership
10.5.1. Tomkins, L. and Simpson, P. 2015. Caring Leadership: A Heideggerian Perspective. Organization Studies 36(8), pp. 1013–1031. https://doi.org/10.1177/0170840615580008 .
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10.6. Ethical/Values-based leadership
10.6.1. Belschak, F.D., Den Hartog, D.N. and De Hoogh, A.H.B. 2018. Angels and Demons: The Effect of Ethical Leadership on Machiavellian Employees’ Work Behaviors. Frontiers in Psychology 9, p. 1082. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01082
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10.7. Servant leadership
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10.8. Shared/Collective Leadership
10.8.1. Aufegger, L., Shariq, O., Bicknell, C., Ashrafian, H. and Darzi, A. 2019. Can shared leadership enhance clinical team management? A systematic review. Leadership in Health Services 32(2), pp. 309–335. doi: 10.1108/LHS-06-2018-0033.
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10.9. Transformational Leadership
10.9.1. Beckett, P., Field, J., Molloy, L., Yu, N., Holme, D. and Pile, E. 2013. Practice what you preach: developing person-centred culture in inpatient mental health settings through strengths-based, transformational leadership. Issues in Mental Health Nursing 34(8), pp. 595-601. doi: 10.3109/01612840.2013.790524
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10.10. Transactional Leadership
10.10.1. Dong, B. 2023. A Systematic Review of the **Transactional Leadership** Literature and Future Outlook. Academic Journal of Management and Social Sciences 2(3), pp. 21–25. Available at: https://drpress.org/ojs/index.php/ajmss/article/view/7972/7762 .
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