The Wives of Muhammad
by sahrish panjwani

1. Zaynab bint Jahsh
1.1. She is said to have married Muhammad in 627 CE at the age of 35.
1.2. She is said to have been in a marriage, which ended in a divorce, prior to marrying Muhammad.
1.3. Sources say that she was Muhammad's cousin being the daughter of Umayma, who was the daughter of Abdul Muttalib (Muhammad's grandfather).
1.4. Some sources cite a the story of Muhammad asking for Zaynab's hand on behalf of Zayd, a freed slave who Muhammad had adopted. The sources say that initally Zaynab had refused the hand, but later decided to go through with marriage. But it is believed that the marriage was unsuccessful and after the divorce of Zayd and Zaynab, Muhammad married her.
1.5. According to sources, she outlived Muhammad by nine years dying at the age of 50 in 642 CE.
2. Juwayriyya bint al-Harith
2.1. She is said to have married Muhammad in 627 at the age of 20.
2.2. Many sources cite that Juwayriyya was a member of the Banu Mustaliq tribe who had been defeated by the Muslims. The sources say that she was a captive and asked to speak to Muhammad in order to find a way to save herself and her tribe. It is believed that the solution that they found was for her to marry Muhammad for that would allow the members of the Banu Mustaliq to enter Islam with honor and to prevent any war of vengeance as a result of their defeat.
2.3. She is believed to have outlived Muhammad by 39 years, dying at that age of 65 in 670 CE.
3. Umm Habiba Ramla bint Abu Sufyan
3.1. She was the daughter of Abu Sufyan, who was considered one of the greatest enemies of Islam. But some sources also state that he eventually converted to Islam and began fighting on behalf of Muslims.
3.2. Some sources say that she married Muhammad in 623 CE, but did not come to live with him until 629 CE, while other sources say that she married Muhammad in 629 CE.
3.3. Some sources suggest that her husband Ubaydullah ibn Jahsh had converted with her to Islam, but he later converted to Christianity and since she was still Muslim, their marriage was ended.
3.4. She is said to have outlived Muhammad by 33 years, dying at the age of 72 in 665 CE.
4. Safiyya bint Huyayy
4.1. She is said to have married Muhammad at the age of 17 in 629 CE.
4.2. Sources state that her father, Huyayy ibn Akhtab, was the chief of the Banu Nadir tribe that had plotted to kill Muhammad.
4.3. Sources suggest that she was brought before Muhammad after the Battle of Khaybar and after she had converted from Judaism to Islam that she and Muhammad were married.
4.4. It is said that she was 21 when Muhammad passed away and she died at the age of 60 around 672 CE.
5. Maymuna bint al-Harith
5.1. It is believed that she married Muhammad at the age of 36 in 629 CE
5.2. She is said to have died in 673 CE at the age of 80.
5.3. Sources say that she was the last of the wives of Muhammad to die.
5.4. It is believed the Muhammad was with her when he fell ill and was then taken to Aisha's room.
6. Maria al-Qibtiyya
6.1. Most sources say that she was not one of the wives of Muhammad, but a slave that was presented to Muhammad.
6.2. Some sources suggest that she has one son with Muhammad around 631 CE.
6.2.1. It is believed that the son was named Ibrahim
6.2.2. It is believed that the son died of a sickness at a very young age.
7. Rayhana bint Zayd
7.1. Most sources suggest that she was not one of the wives of Muhammad, but rather a Jewish captive who became a concubine.
7.2. Sources suggest that she was a captive of the Banu Nadir, similar to Safiyya.
8. This mind map will provide a single space to gain information on Muhammad's wives by connecting the wives to Muhammad through details such as the time period of the marriage, the situation or reason behind the marriage, any children from the marriage, and any other significant information about the wives and the marriage. Please note that although there are a number of sources out there regarding the wives of Muhammad, most of them were written centuries after him and his wives. Thus, academically the content of these sources cannot always be considered factual, but more so as a story of the wives and of Muhammad. That does not mean that all the content is false or incorrect, it just means that there is not enough evidence to consider it a complete and true fact. The following sources were used for the content in this mind map: Abdul Malik Mujahid, and , The Honorable Wives of the Prophet, (Riyadh: Maktaba Dar-us-Salam, 2004). Bint Al-Shati, The Wives of Prophet Muhammad, (New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2006). Muhammad Ali Qutb, Women Around the Messenger, (International Islamic Publishing House, 2007. Tamam Khan, Untold: A History of the Wives of Prophet Muhammad, (Rhinebeck, NY: Monkfish Book Publishing, 2010). Ahmad Thomson, The Wives of the Prophet Muhammad, (London: Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd., 1993).
9. Khadija bint Khuwaylid
9.1. It is believed that she was married twice and was a widow before marrying Muhammad.
9.2. She was the first wife of Muhammad and throughout their marriage, Muhammad remained monogamous.
9.3. Muhammad traded on her behalf before their marriage as it is believed that she was a wealthy business woman.
9.4. Most sources say that Muhammad was 25 years old and Khadijah was 40 years old when they got married.
9.5. Most source say that they had six children together.
9.5.1. They had two sons, one named al-Qasim and another named Abdullah at-Tayyib, who was also known as at-Tahir. Most sources state that the two sons died quite early in their childhood.
9.5.2. They had four daughters together. The names of the four daughters were (in order from oldest to youngest): Zaynab, Ruqayya, Umm Kulthum and Fatima.