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Assessments by Mind Map: Assessments

1. Summative

1.1. evaluate learning at the end of a unit (final exam/ research project)

2. Performance

2.1. requires students to demonstrate what they know directly (portfolio/logs)

3. Formative

3.1. Process of gathering evidence of student learning (homework/quiz)

4. Diagnostic

4.1. collects data on what students already know (surveys/entry & exit tickets)

5. Benchmark

5.1. the benchmark will assess progress towards year-end goals (weekly spelling test/ district assesment)

6. Hot Questions

6.1. Opening

6.1.1. What does the word "Rise" mean in the article titled "Rise of the 4 Day School Week?" What can you assume the article is going to be about based off of the title, "Rise of the 4 Day School Week."

6.2. Guiding

6.2.1. What's happening to school weeks around the country? How do shorter school weeks help schools save money?

6.3. Closing

6.3.1. Based off the information red, what percent of teens agree with a four-day school week? What can you infer is going to happen with school weeks around the world in the future?