Crawlspace Theatre Up2U!
by Nick Mahmat EFA
1. What do you notice? Describe the Work of Art
1.1. putting together to tell over arching story.
1.2. MC is guiding
1.3. MC guiding the show
1.4. deciding when to ask for input
1.5. what catorgory that input might be
1.6. total of 4 actors and one as MAC the computer
1.7. making up on spot with out knowing what each other are doing
1.8. scenes that incorperate predetermined text that they have make sense of
1.9. have to accept each other's input to make the story go forward
1.10. Yes and . . .
1.11. Resposes build on one another
1.12. finding ways to clarify what you ment
1.13. choices made in different way
1.13.1. deciple meter
1.13.2. bean bag
1.13.3. audience
1.13.4. individuals choosen randomly
1.13.5. pre ask audience members on slip of paper
1.13.6. scenes
1.14. Begining middle and end
1.15. clear characters that will be used and reused in the show
1.16. playing of mutlitple Roles by the same actor
1.17. playing in animate objects
1.18. haing to tie together random ideas into a cohesive story.
1.19. Miming of props
1.20. not really set
1.21. no props
1.22. have to use voice body and physicality to create characters
1.23. there were projections
1.24. audiences role is so different in this show compared to others
1.25. audience is involved and asked to participate
1.26. Actors play characters as well as objects
2. Possible Activity Ideas
2.1. workshop should encourage audience participation. how to incorperate the audience into the show
2.2. performers should interact with the onces that are watching
2.3. Piece of paper that is divided into three sectionsstart drawing of an animal one draws head, necxt draws middle, last drawsend
2.4. Wrting activity. Write starting line, pass next person reads line and adds a line, then pass- next person reads, and adds
2.5. T chart Setting: on left things you find at that setting, right side things you wouldn't find at that setting, then do writing activity where they have to tell a story that incorperate the the right side things to focus on how you incorperate and make sense out of the ordinary
2.6. Begining middle and ending of story ideas- or setting, charecter and action students get to then select three ideas one from each catagory have to make sense out of it as a scene. Could be done in writing, oral discussion, tabloau or improvised out.
2.7. Index cards write animal on one write object on another. Students have to crteate scene that has these two as characters.
2.7.1. Can faciliatate this so that an MC (TA or Teachers) pauses and asks for input with in a scene