1. Design Resources & Admin
1.1. Design Resources
1.2. Branding
1.3. Selected Presentations
1.4. Communication Tools
1.5. Administration & Finance
1.6. Rethink & Remix Brochure
2. Sales Tools
2.1. Emailing : MailMerge
2.2. Customer Development
2.3. People Bios and CVs
2.4. Rethink & Remix Main Presentation
2.5. Pod Brochure
2.6. Selected Presentations
3. Once you win a new project! Yay!
3.1. Administration & Finance
3.2. Celebrate in the channels!
3.3. Consultancy Agreement Template - Short
4. Relevant People at OuiShare
4.1. Ouishare Talents
4.2. People Bios and CVs
5. Relationship with Partners
6. Products and Services
6.1. Products OS Spain
6.2. Incubating Communities
6.3. Masterclasses
6.3.1. Brochure The Pass from The Camp [2019]
6.4. Learning Expedition
6.4.1. Introduction email
6.4.2. Follow up email
6.5. Collaborative Finance
6.6. Business Transformation
6.6.1. Platform Design Toolkit
6.6.2. Distributed Leadership
6.6.3. Consultancy on Innovative Governance
6.6.4. Proposal for business transformation
6.6.5. One Day Workshop - Collective Intelligence
6.6.6. Proposal one day event on Collaborative Transformation - ES
6.6.7. Session on Tensions and Practices
6.7. Organising a third party event
6.7.1. Fee proposal for participant journey automation
7. Project References
8. Proposals
8.1. Example proposals
8.1.1. Long Extended Proposal
8.1.2. Simple Proposal
8.1.3. On Events and Expeditions Proposal one day event on Collaborative Transformation - ES Letter proposing Zero Waste Events collaboration Proposal for the Fest Two weeks training expedition Tailored Learning Expedition Organise and Event for Others Facilitation of a team's retreat
8.1.4. On Consultancy Consultancy for Decentralised Governance Community Building - Rainmaker Foundation Consultancy for Self-Organising
8.1.5. On Workshops and Masterclasses One Day Workshop - Collective Intelligence Four masterclasses for one client Session on Tensions and Practices
8.1.6. Good proposal from 2021
8.2. Template proposals
8.2.1. Template Proposal in Slides
8.2.2. Template Proposal in Docs
8.2.3. Consultancy on Knowledge Sharing and Stigmergy
8.2.4. Template Proposal for Community Building Workshop
8.3. Information Pack
8.3.1. Organising Events and Workshops