FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS in Indian Constitution

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FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS in Indian Constitution создатель Mind Map: FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS  in Indian Constitution

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2. Right to religious freedom

2.1. Article 25: Of Conscience

2.1.1. Conversion

2.2. Article 26: To manage religious affairs

2.3. Article 27: No tax for promotion of a particular religion

2.4. Article 28: Religious instruction

2.5. Equality of Religions

2.6. Are these rights only for minorities? What about the majority?

3. Right to Constitutional Remedies

3.1. Habeas Corpus

3.2. Mandamus

3.3. Prohibition

3.4. Certiorari

3.5. Quo warranto

4. Actual Text

5. Cultural & Educational Rights

5.1. Article 29: Minorities - language, script & culture

5.2. Article 30: Minority educational institutions

5.3. What is a minority?

6. Nature & Features

6.1. Comprehensive

6.2. Reasonable restriction

6.3. Negative

6.4. Justiciable

6.5. Amendments

6.6. Suspension

7. Right to Equality

7.1. Article 14: Equality before law

7.2. Article 15: Prohibition of Discrimination

7.3. Article 16: Equality of Opportunity

7.4. Article 17: Untouchability

7.5. Article 18: Abolition of titles

8. Right to Freedom

8.1. Article 19: 6 Fundamental Freedoms

8.1.1. Speech & Expression

8.1.2. Assemble peacefully

8.1.3. Form associations/unions

8.1.4. Travel anywhere in the country

8.1.5. Reside & settle anywhere in India

8.1.6. Practice any profession/trade/business

8.2. Article 20: Of accused

8.3. Article 21: Life & personal liberty

8.4. Article 21A: Primary Education

8.5. Article 22: Safeguards for arrested persons

8.5.1. Preventive Detention

9. Right against exploitation

9.1. Prohibition of Human Trafficking

9.2. Prohibition of Child Labour