iPad apps - TECHNOLOGY

iPad apps - TECHNOLOGY

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iPad apps - TECHNOLOGY by Mind Map: iPad apps - TECHNOLOGY

1. ELECTRICAL TOOLKIT - Free - recalculates circuit values

2. EXPLORIMENTS - ELECTRICITY - SIMPLE CIRCUITS - £1.49 - Interactive simulation, exploring electricity by building circuits. 9 activities.

3. EXPLORIMENTS - ELECTRICITY - VOLTAGE - £1.99 - Interactive simulations. 5 activities.

4. ICIRCUIT - £6.99 - Circuit simulator and designer. Excellent.

5. BUILDING SERIAL CIRCUITS - £0.69 - Interactive serial circuit building

6. BUILDING PARALLEL CIRCUITS - £0.69 - Interactive parellel circuit building

7. EXPLORIMENTS - ELECTRICITY - CHARGE & CURRENT - £1.99 - Interactive simulations including quizzes. 8 activities.

8. EXPLORIMENTS - ELECTRICITY - OHM'S LAW AND RESISTANCE - £1.49 - Interactive simulation, 4 activities.