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Module X assignment por Mind Map: Module X assignment

1. search

1.1. Measuring wellbeing

1.1.1. google

1.1.2. googlescholar

1.1.3. cinahl Orenstein & Kaplan 1991

1.1.4. medline

1.1.5. New node

1.2. Keyword/phrase3

1.2.1. google

1.2.2. googlescholar

1.2.3. cinahl

1.2.4. pubmed

2. Glossary

2.1. Explode/Major concept

3. databases to search

3.1. googlescholar

3.2. cinahl

3.3. medline

3.4. assia

3.5. BNI

4. HAVE YOU...?

4.1. met learning outcome 1

4.2. checked the marking rubric?

4.3. re-watched the assignment launch

5. keywords & synonyms

5.1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

5.1.1. Emphysema

5.1.2. Chronic bronchitis

5.1.3. Chronic obstructive lung disease (COLD)

5.1.4. Chronic airflow limitation (CAL)

5.1.5. Chronic obstructive respiratory disease (CORD)

5.1.6. Chronic obstructive airway disease (COAD)

5.2. quality of life

5.2.1. well-being

5.2.2. satisfaction

5.3. Background

5.3.1. measures of quality of life

5.3.2. experiences of carers

5.3.3. respite care who co-ordinates? 3rd sector GP Advocate in family

6. structure of coursework

6.1. beginning

6.1.1. intro

6.2. middle

6.3. conclusion

6.4. references

6.5. appendix


7.1. Population

7.1.1. caregivers

7.1.2. women

7.1.3. aged 16-25

7.2. Intervention

7.2.1. Co-ordinated respite care

7.3. Comparitor

7.3.1. current situation (of poor mental health)

7.4. Outcome

7.4.1. Enhanced quality of life

7.4.2. ? measured...

8. PICO 2

8.1. Population

8.1.1. Adult patients with Cancer

8.2. Intervention

8.2.1. Art therapy Textiles Painting Drawing Crafts

8.3. Comparitor

8.3.1. Normal treatment

8.4. Outcome

8.4.1. Psychological states

8.4.2. Grief

8.4.3. Anxiety

8.4.4. Depression

8.5. Recycle bin

8.5.1. Music