TOW Paths

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TOW Paths by Mind Map: TOW Paths

1. Interviewing

1.1. Who to Interview

1.2. How to Interview

1.3. Where to Interview

1.3.1. Inside

1.3.2. Outside

1.3.3. Phone/Skype

1.4. What to Ask

2. Recording

2.1. Prep

2.2. Gear

2.3. Technique

2.4. Tips

3. Find Stories

3.1. People

3.2. Places

3.3. Issues

3.4. Research

4. Editing

4.1. Software

4.2. For Time

4.3. Mercilessly

5. Story Structure

5.1. Beginnings/Endings

5.2. Arc

5.3. What Happened

5.4. Narration

6. Pod/Broadcast

6.1. On the Air

6.2. Online

6.3. Listening Sessions