Introduction to Computers

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Introduction to Computers by Mind Map: Introduction to Computers

1. The Componennts of a computer

1.1. Input Devices

1.1.1. Keyboard

1.1.2. Mouse

1.1.3. Scanner

1.1.4. Digital Camera

1.1.5. Microphone

1.2. Output Devices

1.2.1. Monitor

1.2.2. Printer

1.2.3. Speaker

1.3. System Unit

1.4. Storage Devices

1.5. Communications Devices

2. Networks and the Internet

3. Personal Computers

3.1. Desktop Computer

4. What is a computer

4.1. Data and information

4.2. Information Processing cycle

5. Advantages and disadvantages of using computer

6. Computer Software

6.1. System software

6.2. Operating system

6.3. Application Software

7. Categories of Computer