trust behaviors

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trust behaviors by Mind Map: trust behaviors

1. Neue Idee

1.1. Neue Idee

2. suspend doubt and pre-judging

3. communicate plainly

3.1. intercultural communication awareness

3.2. reinforce communications with visuals

4. demonstrate care for team members

5. speak with good purpose

6. explain inconsistancy

7. over communicating

7.1. over simplified language

7.2. increased frequency

7.3. asking what was understood

7.4. multiplicity of chanels

8. not talking behind people's backs

8.1. speaking with good purpose at all times

8.2. non-tolerance of behavior

9. keeping promises DWYSYWD

10. keeping confidentiality

11. being available

11.1. clear contact chanels

11.2. office hours

11.3. ask for contact

12. being optimistic

12.1. focus on benefits

12.2. use positive feedback often

12.2.1. for individuals

12.2.2. for the team

12.3. consciously praise

13. listening

13.1. confirming behaviors

13.2. asking questions

13.3. taking alternatives seriously

14. handle conflict professionally

14.1. goal conflict+

14.2. method conflict+

14.3. personal conflict-

14.3.1. manage conflict -don't solve conflict

14.4. cross-cultural communication conflict

15. using people's names

16. passing on trust and responsibilities

16.1. alternating virtual meeting facilitators

16.2. assigning sub teams

16.3. balance pleasant and unpleasant tasks

17. keeping everyone informed always

17.1. appropriate distribution of information

17.2. explain non-inclusion

17.3. recordings of sessions

18. deliver on every promise

18.1. role model behavior

18.2. no matter how insignificant

18.3. document promises

19. celebrate trust

19.1. talk about it

19.2. talk about how you enjoy it

19.3. ask others how they feel

20. confirm understanding

20.1. ask "what" not "if"

20.2. explain miscommunication common

21. talking about trust openly

21.1. teaching feedback methods

21.2. serving as a role model

21.3. expecting team members to talk about trust

22. admit mistakes quickly

23. being inclusive

23.1. push members to demonstrate skills

23.2. pass on the microphone

23.3. assign interrelated tasks

23.4. be aware of the quiet ones

24. solving problems not blaming people

25. being present

25.1. over communicate

25.1.1. use a variety of media

25.1.2. communicate frequently

25.2. use visuals and text

25.2.1. profiles partner interviews Neue Idee

25.2.2. team images

25.3. reveal personal information

25.3.1. reveal your own

25.3.2. team member personal information

25.4. appropriate platforms

26. accessible to everyone

26.1. ask everyone

26.2. speak their language

27. being predictable

27.1. rituals for communications

27.2. be consistant at all times

27.3. ask team members to be consistant

28. demonstrating competence

28.1. professional expertise

28.2. soft skill competence

29. giving support

29.1. being proactive

29.2. asking if support is needed

29.3. networking support in the group

29.4. timely

30. setting realistic expectations

31. taking initiative

31.1. asking

31.2. frequent reflectionon team behaviors

31.3. proactive measures

32. planning for trust

32.1. plan activities

32.1.1. warm ups

32.1.2. code of conduct

32.1.3. personal identity activities

32.1.4. team identity activities

32.2. understand that trust doesn't just happen