1. Respiration
1.1. Upper Respiratory Track
1.1.1. Nose(Filtes,Wets&Warm the air)
1.1.2. Pharynx(Point where Larynx and Oesophagus divides.)
1.1.3. Larynx(Produce sound to speak.Covered by Thyroid Cartilage also known as Adam's Apple.)
1.2. Lower Respiratory Track
1.2.1. Trache(also known as Wind pipe)
1.2.2. Bronchii
1.2.3. Lungs
1.2.4. Alveoli(Center where exchange of oxygen and carbondioxide from blood takes place.Responsible for purifying blood. )
2. Transportation
2.1. Animals
2.1.1. Blood(Only liquid connective tissue in our body.Transport nutrients and oxygen to every cell of our body.Takes away cardondioxide and other waste products from the cells.)(Hormone Transportation and immune functions.)(mainly contain two components Plasma,RBC.)(RBC does not contain nucleus,instead it contain Hemoglobin.) Artilaries(Carry oxyginated blood.) Further divided into blood capillaries to reach each cell as it is not possible for Artilaries to reach each cell due to its thickness. Veins(Carry deoxyginated blood.) Further divided into blood capillaries to reach each cell as it is not possible for Veins to reach each cell due to its thickness.
2.1.2. Heart(Pumps the blood to every parts of the body.)(About of 250 to 350 gm)(closed fist sized.) Septum(divides Oxyginated and deoxyginated blood.) Right Atrium(Receive deoxyginated blood from different parts of body.) Superior Vena Cava(Gets deoxyginated blood from upper body.) Inferior Vena Cava(Get deoxyginated blood from lower body.) Right Ventricle(Sends the deoxyginated blood to Lungs for purification.) Tricuspid Valve(Prevent the blood from flowing back to Right Atrium while pumping of heart.) Pulmonary Arterier(Sends blood to lungs for purification.)(THE ONLY ARTERIER IN THE BODY CARRYING DEOXYGINATED BLOOD.) Left Atrium(Receive oxyginated blood from from lungs.) Pulmonary Vein(Receives oxyginated blood from lungs.)(THE ONLY VEIN IN THE BODY CARRYING OXYGINATED BLOOD.) Left Ventricle(Sends blood to all parts of body.) Aorta(Sends oxyginated blood to all parts of body.) Bicuspid valve(Stops the blood from flowing back to Left Atrium while pumping of blood.)
2.1.3. Lymph(Blood or the fluid which leaks out of the blood capillaries during transportation.) Lymph is collected by a special system for collecting the lymph called Lymph Capillaries.This Capillaries then opens up in the veins and give all the collected lymph back to the Veins.
2.2. Plants
2.2.1. Vascular Bundles(Transports water and food in plants.)
3. Excreation
4. Types of Respiration
4.1. Aerobic(In precence of oxygen)
4.2. Anaerobic(In absence of oxygen)
5. Blood
5.1. RBC
5.2. WBC
5.3. Platelets
6. Nutrition
6.1. Autotrophic Nutrition
6.1.1. Plants (Photosynthesis,Synthesis their own food.) Carbondioxide Water Sunlight Chlorophyll Stometa Minerals
6.2. Hetrotrophic Nutrition
6.2.1. Sprophytic Nutrition Food break down outside body. Direct Absobtion. Fungi,etc.
6.2.2. Holozoic Nutrition Food break down inside body. Eat whole food. Humans,etc.
6.2.3. Parasitic Nutrition Derive Nutrition from the organism(alive). Do not kill the host(organism). Tape worms,etc.
7. Mechanism of Digestion of Food
7.1. Ingestion(Intake of food.)
7.1.1. Mouth Tongue Salivary Gland Oesophagus
7.2. Digestion(Breaking down of food)
7.2.1. Stomach
7.2.2. Small Intestine
7.3. Absorption(Digested food passes from alimentary canal into blood.)
7.3.1. Small Intestine
7.3.2. Large Intestine
7.4. Assilimation(Distribution of Digested food to verious cells of body.)
7.4.1. Liver controls the distribution of the nutrients.
7.5. Egestion(Elimination of undigested food.)
7.5.1. Rectum
7.5.2. Anus
8. Food----->Bolus----->Chyme
9. Digestive Glands
9.1. Salivary Glands
9.1.1. Saliva
9.2. Gastric Glands
9.2.1. HCL
9.2.2. Pepsin
9.2.3. Lipese
9.3. Intestinal Glands
9.3.1. Liver Bile
9.3.2. Pencreas Pencreatic Juice Trypsin Pancreatic Amylase Pancreatic Lipase
10. Types of Nutrients
10.1. Carbohyderates
10.1.1. Glucose
10.2. Proteins
10.2.1. Amino Acid
10.3. Fats
10.3.1. Fatty Acids
10.3.2. Glycerol