Science Fiction

Collects pertinent information that covers Module Seven of LSO119: Science Fiction

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Science Fiction by Mind Map: Science Fiction

1. Philip K. Dick

2. Jules Verne (French)

3. Dime Novels/Edisonades (19th Century America)

4. The Pulp Age of Science Fiction

5. Amazing Stories (1926): The Pulp Age Begins

6. Hugo Gernsback

7. Space Opera

8. The Golden Age of Science Fiction

9. Isaac Asimov: "Reason" (1941)

10. John W. Campbell

11. Alfred Bester: "Fondly Farhenheit" (1954)

12. Astounding Stories (1937): The Golden Age Begins

13. Arthur C. Clarke: Childhood's End (1953)

14. Second-Wave Feminism

15. Simone de Beauvoir

16. Kate Millett

17. 1970s Feminist SF

18. Joanna Russ

19. Shulamith Firestone

20. Ursula K. Le Guin

21. Katharine Burdekin: Swastika Night

22. H. G. Wells (British)

23. E. M. Forster's "The Machine Stops"


25. Yevgeny Zamyatin: We

26. Aldous Huxley: Brave New World

27. George Orwell: 1984

28. J. G. Ballard

29. Michael Moorcock

30. New Wave