Computer Input & Output Devices

The description, use, benefits, challenges, and application of input and output computer devices in education and the classroom.

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Computer Input & Output Devices by Mind Map: Computer Input & Output Devices

1. Examples of Output Devices: Monitor, printer, scanner, speakers, headphones

2. Input Computer Devices

2.1. Benefits of input devices include the ability to enter data to be stored for future retreival, the ability to make photo quality printouts and the abiliyt to use pointing devices equipped with assistive techonogy for sutdents with disabiliteis.

2.1.1. Challenges that may relate to input devices aret compuer monitor screen resolution and the use of keyboards for students with movement disabilities. The use of assistive technology would help to accommodate students who cannot use keyboards and monitors in the classroom

2.2. Application: Keyboards and mice would be used in the classroom along with computes to allow students to enter data into the computer to complete assignments as required

3. Examples of Input Devices include: Keyboards, scanners, trackball, mouse, digital media resources

3.1. Trackballs could be used in the classroom for students with disabilites or those students requiring the use of trackball due to hand movement or cordination disabiliteies.

4. Output Computer Devices

4.1. Output devices are used to communicate information or data out of the computer to the user. Output devices work to link visual images and auditory information to the user

4.2. The benefits of output devices include the communication of data between the user and the computer, the abiliyt for the user to see visual images and hear sound from the computer. Input devices would allow student in the classroom to hear music being played as part of an assignment. Output devices may also alow students to print data.

4.3. Challenges with output devices may include the inability for students with disabilities to use a keyboard or trackball. Thee use of a microphone may be an appropriate assistive technology device. Another challenge may be the inability to see touch screens or montors. Voice applications could provide asstance for students who may be blind or have difficulty seeing text on a computer monitor

5. Digital media sources such as a camera could be used for students to upload pictures on the computer to provide visuals and graphics for projects and assignmen