Mundane (adj.)
by Marissa Dimitrion
1. Synonyms
1.1. Banal
1.2. Earthly
1.3. Routine
1.4. Boring
2. Antonyms
2.1. Fresh
2.2. New
2.3. Exciting
2.4. Original
3. Examples
3.1. In my opinion, reading is a mundane activity.
3.2. Econnomics and stocks are also a mundane topics to some people, including myself.
4. Definition
4.1. Lacking interestor excitement; dull
4.2. of or pertaining to this world or earth as contrasted with heaven
4.3. common; ordinary
4.4. banal; unimaginative
4.5. of or pertaining to the world, universe, or earth.
5. Other Forms
5.1. mundanely (adverb)
5.1.1. Mundanely, the man woke up and got ready for work.
5.2. Mundaneness (Noun)
5.2.1. The way the girl acted onstage expressed mundaneness.