Mundane (adj)

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Mundane (adj) por Mind Map: Mundane (adj)

1. Synonyms

1.1. Monotonous

1.2. Banal

1.3. Undistinguished

2. Examples

2.1. Mundane food

2.2. Mundane clothing

3. Antonyms

3.1. Extraordinary

3.2. Supernatural

3.3. Entertaining

4. Definition

4.1. Lacking interest or excitement; dull

4.2. Tedious; repetitive or boring

5. Other Forms

5.1. Mundanely (adverb)

5.1.1. Carissa mundanely went to her job everyday at McDonalds.

5.2. Mundanity (noun)

5.2.1. One of the mundanities in everyday life is doing chores.