Forrester Business Tech Conference - John's Notes

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Forrester Business Tech Conference - John's Notes por Mind Map: Forrester Business Tech Conference - John's Notes

1. Hughes - Lean and the CIO

2. Swainson/Parkinson - The Power of Lean IT - Prep for Cloud Computing

3. Redefining The Business Of IT At Harley-Davidson

4. Cisco - Business Technology for Global Collaboration

5. Moore - Lean IT - New Business Imperative

6. CLICK LINK ARROW next to titles to open individual mind maps

7. Colony - Lean and Business Tech - CEO's View

8. Panel - Embrace Lean Thinking To Enable Innovation and Support change

9. Richardson - Forge Your "Lean Process Improvement" Game Plan To Thrive In The Next Economy

10. Carmel - Lean Application Development Strategies + Information = Lean Process

11. Schadler - Make Workforce Personas Part of Your Lean Technology Tool Kit