Personal Productivity

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Personal Productivity by Mind Map: Personal Productivity

1. Bookmarking


1.2. Diigo

1.2.1. PR,SG

2. To Do Lists

2.1. Paper

2.2. GTDInbox

2.2.1. PR

2.3. Excel

2.3.1. Airbus

2.4. Outlook

2.4.1. ConocoPhillips

2.4.2. Airbus

3. RSS

3.1. Google Reader

3.1.1. PR

3.2. Outlook

3.2.1. Syngenta

4. Other

4.1. Twitter

4.1.1. PR

4.2. iPhone (&apps)

4.2.1. ScottG

4.3. Android Phone

4.3.1. PR - HTC Hero

4.4. Zotero (citation manager)

4.4.1. GF

4.5. Powerpoint

4.5.1. NM,GF

5. Browser

5.1. Firefox (&Addons)

5.1.1. PR,SG

5.2. IE

5.2.1. Syngenta

5.2.2. Airbus

6. MindMapping

6.1. Freemind

6.1.1. PR

6.1.2. BC

6.2. Mindmanager

6.2.1. NHS Institute

6.2.2. Airbus

6.2.3. FL (BAE)

7. Desktop Search

7.1. Copernic

7.1.1. SG

7.2. Windows Desktop Search

7.2.1. Airbus

8. Information Management

8.1. MS Onenote

8.1.1. PR,SG

8.2. Xobni

8.2.1. SG

8.3. Notebook beside bed

8.3.1. SG,NM