Search Experience

In this experience, you will search an object thanks to a servomotor and an ultrasonic sensor.

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Search Experience por Mind Map: Search Experience

1. Exploded views

2. Connection Map

3. how to control a small DC Servo motor

3.1. Connect and programm a servomotor with Arduino


5. Survey

6. Action

7. Perception

8. Intelligence

9. How to assemble real parts and components?

9.1. 3DXML 3D view

9.2. PDF 3D view

9.3. Assembly view

10. Design

11. Build

12. How to realize a folded part with a laser cut

12.1. How to prepare folded part for laser cutting

12.2. 2.How to use the laser cut

13. How to design a folded part?

13.1. 1.Link to 3DExperience

13.2. 2.3DExperience-How to start

13.3. 3.3DExperience-How to design a folded part

14. How to add intelligence with Arduino?

14.1. ARDUINO Basics

14.1.1. 0.What is Arduino?

14.1.2. 1.Connect Arduino Uno

14.2. About algorithmen

14.3. Add intellegence

14.4. How to decide

14.4.1. if Structure

14.4.2. if-elseStructure

14.5. How to repeat

14.5.1. while-structure

14.5.2. do-while structure

15. Erasmus+

16. Arduino

16.1. 0.What is Arduino

16.2. 1.Connect Arduino Uno

17. How to detect an obstacle?

17.1. Detect an obstacle with US Sensor

17.2. US Sensor Data sheet

17.3. Example Programm for Ultrasonic