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Communication Plan создатель Mind Map: Communication Plan

1. Week 9-10: Contuned Support and Engagement

1.1. Engagement Activities

1.1.1. Encourage participation in workshops and extracurricular activities

1.2. Follow-Up

1.2.1. Check in on previously discussed action items

1.2.2. Continuous motivational support

2. Week 11 -12: Preparation for Final Exams

2.1. Finals Preparation

2.1.1. Final exam schedule

2.1.2. Time management and study skills workshops

2.2. Stress Management

2.2.1. Tips for managing stress during exam periods

3. Week 13-14: End-of-Semester Review

3.1. Academic Performance

3.1.1. Review grades and feedback

3.1.2. Discuss outcomes and areas for imrpovement

3.2. Future Planning

3.2.1. Plan for next semester's courses

3.2.2. Career and academic goals reassessment

4. Week 15-16: Wrap-Up and Transition

4.1. Final Meetings

4.1.1. Summarize the semester's achievements and challenges

4.1.2. Set goals for the next semester

4.2. Transition Support

4.2.1. Resources for break

4.2.2. Registration support for the next semester

5. Pre-Semester Preparation

5.1. Identify Caseload

5.1.1. List of Students

5.1.2. Student Profiiles

5.2. Initial Contact

5.2.1. Welcome email

5.2.2. Introduction and advisor contact details

5.3. Scheduling

5.3.1. Set up initial advising appointments

5.3.2. Share office hours and "Calendly" scheduling tool

6. Week 1-2: Onboarding and Goal Setting

6.1. Welcome Session

6.1.1. Orientation

6.1.2. Overview of college resources and services

6.2. Goal Setting

6.2.1. Individual meetings to set academic and personal goals

6.2.2. Action plans

7. Week 3-4: Early Assessment and Support

7.1. Check-In Email

7.1.1. Follow-up on initial meetings

7.1.2. Encourage attendance and engagement

7.2. Early Alert Systems

7.2.1. Monitor for at-risk behaviors

7.2.2. Proactive outreach to students flagged by early alerts

8. Week 5-6:Progress Monitoring and Mid-Semester Prep

8.1. Progress Check

8.1.1. One-on-one check-ins to review progress

8.1.2. Address any academic or personal concerns

8.2. Mid-Semester Prep

8.2.1. Reminder of upcoming midterms

8.2.2. Study tips and resources

9. Week 7-8: Mid-Semester Assessments

9.1. Mid-Semester Review

9.1.1. Mid-term grades review

9.1.2. Adjust academic plans if necessary

9.2. Resources and Support

9.2.1. Offer services such as tutoring and study support services

9.2.2. Mental health and stress management resources