道可道,非常道: 中國人怎樣創造並傳遞知識
by Benny Chin
1. 從知識創造與傳遞看中國國情
1.1. 「實踐檢驗真理」: 黑貓白貓, 捉到耗子的便是好貓
1.2. 社會主義市場經濟
1.3. 韜光養晦
1.4. Russia’s Leaders See China as Template for Ruling [NYTimes 091017
1.5. 維權月費戰 律師小勝中移 獲賠錢和解 倘掀申訴潮或涉數百億 [明報 091027
2. Experiential Learning
3. 西一9,10:Experiential Learning in spiritual pursuit
4. The Dilemma of Learning
5. Puzzled by last session: How did a 40% presentation elicit an 80% response? ^ ^
6. A Chinese approach to knowledge creation and transfer
6.1. 陰陽五行與中醫理論的建構方式
6.2. 鍊與悟,體與用: 拳譜思維的特點
6.3. 中庸: 天命之謂性,率性之謂道,修道之謂教
6.4. 陶淵明: 好讀書,不求甚解,每有會意,便欣然忘食
6.5. 道可道,非常道: 中西求知範式的重要分野
7. 又涉翻譯問題: Explicit Knowledge 與 Tacit Knowledge 的分別
8. What Knowledge Management theorists finally recognized: Knowledge can be shared, not managed