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inspiration 저자: Mind Map: inspiration

1. heart consciousness

1.1. rainbow consciousness

1.2. heart consciousness 5D

2. heart organ of perception

2.1. hearts own brain

2.2. thinking from the heart

3. heartcom

4. symbol of manifestation

5. role of minds

6. phi physics

7. heroes journey

7.1. 8 X kijken

8. creative flow

8.1. creatiespiraal

9. the machine stops

9.1. tms

10. gelukt

11. miracles and inspiration

12. het grotere plaatje

13. solfeggio

13.1. chakras

13.1.1. kundalini

13.1.2. kundalini energy

13.1.3. talententune

13.1.4. caduceus

13.1.5. chakras

14. morfische velden

15. the cave

16. the cave

17. third eye

17.1. pijnappel

17.2. pineal gland key to the universe

17.3. 963Hz

18. akasha