7 mentalities and habits of eagle
by Anh Tuấn

1. 1. eagle fly alone and never fly with pigeon and sparrow
1.1. to stay away from narrow minded people
1.2. eagle fly with eagle
2. 2.eagle vision is very clear and very strong
2.1. eagle can seen from 5 kilo meters away
3. 3. eagle never eat dead things
3.1. always hunts alive animals
3.2. forget the past focus on today
4. 4. Eagle love the storm
4.1. find the opporturnity on the problem
4.1.1. great challenge bring it great opporturnity
4.2. embrace the challenge to learn
4.2.1. all the difficulties will be under control of you
5. 5. eagle always remove soft grass from it's nest
5.1. no growth in the comfort zone
5.2. leave the comfort zone
6. 6. Eagle test the power of commitment before it trust
6.1. test the commitment of people
7. 7. eagles love the painful process
7.1. at the age 40 eagle become old
7.1.1. die or go through a painful process of rebirth
7.2. 5 months to complete rebirth
7.2.1. if there is no pain there is no gain