Mind Map For Module 5

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Mind Map For Module 5 by Mind Map: Mind Map For Module 5

1. 21st Century Learning

1.1. Foundational Knowledge: The knowledge you around already, content knowledge, informational literacy, and cross-discplinary knowledge.

1.2. Meta Knowledge: involves critical thinking, creativity, problem solving, communication, collaboration

1.3. Humanistic Knowledge: Involves job skills, your understanding of other cultures (cultural competence), ethical emotional awareness.


2.1. Technological Knowledge (TK):

2.1.1. Refers to mostly the usage of laptops, the Internet, and software. Includes the changing process of existing technologies (Wiki).

2.2. Content Knowledge (CK)

2.2.1. Refers to the ability to know your subject matter. Includes concepts, theories, conceptual frameworks as well as knowledge about accepted ways of developing knowledge (Shulman 1986)

2.3. Pedagogical Knowledge (PK)

2.3.1. Generic knowledge on how your students will learn. Thus, knowing your teaching approaches and how to assess certain assignments are required. You need more knowledge than this in order to teach sufficiently.

2.4. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)

2.4.1. Combination of pedagogy and content. This is the knowledge required to make a subject understandable to the students. What makes a subject difficult and what makes it easy to learn, as well as misunderstandings and misconceptions.

2.5. Technological Content Knowledge (TCK)

2.5.1. How technology can be used to provide new ways of thinkings.

2.6. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK)

2.6.1. Refers to the affordances and constraints of technology as an enabler of different teaching approaches (Mishra & Koehler, 2006)

2.7. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK)

2.7.1. It's a combination of all three aspects in which focuses on technology, the way you do it with the students and how the knowledge/subject matter connects with everything.


3.1. Substituiton

3.1.1. Definition: Computer technology serves to provide a way to do a certain task that was done before the use of technology.

3.1.2. Example: Printing out a worksheet of drawing a plant and doing it online and handing it in.

3.1.3. Functional Change: There is no functional change in the process of learning or teaching. There is the possibility of having times where there will be no improvement with the usage of technology. A teacher must choose an option that is more significant in guiding the students.

3.2. Augmentation

3.2.1. Definition: Using computer technology to become more effective in doing projects.

3.2.2. Example: Using a Google Form to do work instead of the traditional pencil and paper.

3.2.3. Functional Change: Some beneficial results, as the teacher becomes more engaged with marking the student's work. WIth immediate feedback also enhances the student's motivation in learning.

3.3. Modification

3.3.1. Definition: First step over the line between traditional teachings of the classroom and transforming it. Common classroom tasks are done with the usage of technology.

3.3.2. Example: Students are asked to a website creation in order to present their ideas to the class for a presentation/research project.

3.3.3. Functional Change: Computer technology allows the expansion of connection within the classroom. It gives the ability to give peer reviews, easy rewriting. Questions are developed from the student's themselves.

3.4. Redefinition

3.4.1. Definition: Computer technology allows for new ideas to form and be dealt with technology.

3.4.2. Example: Teams/groups are asked to create an online video to demonstrate their learning.

3.4.3. Functional Change: Student's learning are supported by technology. They are able to create new things that are only accessible to the internet.

4. Philosophy of Teachnology

4.1. The philosophy of technology is philosophical field dedicated to studying the nature of technology and its social effect. Reference:Philosophy of technology [Fact sheet]. (n.d.). Retrieved November 8, 2013, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophy_of_technology