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Value Education por Mind Map: Value Education

1. Encourages Humans to

1.1. Develop personal model codes

1.2. Search for Meaning & patterns in experience

1.3. Self-respect / Respect for Honesty, Truthfullness and Justice.

2. Role of Teachers

2.1. Influence students

2.2. Teaches values

2.3. Co-ordinate with parents

2.4. Create +ve environment

2.5. Inspire students

3. Definition

3.1. "Valerie"

3.1.1. 'to be strong/to be worth'

4. Importance

4.1. Integeral part of Society.

4.2. Ethical Development of professionals.

4.3. Holistic individual development.

4.4. Confident and ethical human beings.

4.5. Transcending cultural & social difference.

4.6. Character building.

4.7. Behavioural regulation.

4.8. Universal understanding.

4.9. Ethical foundation for meaningful life.

4.10. Human rights preventions.

4.11. Common language of humanity.

4.12. Decision making.

4.13. Awakening curiosity and interest.

4.14. Competitve advantage.

4.15. National importance.

4.16. Global priority.

4.17. Personal development.

4.18. Societal impact.

5. Necessity

5.1. Creates good manner/behaviour/kindness.

5.2. Teaches to listen & to understand.

5.3. Makes them Empathetic.

5.4. Makes them dependable, trustworth & truthfull.

5.5. Emotional/Social/Cultural intelligence.