Environmental issues

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Environmental issues by Mind Map: Environmental issues

1. resource depletion

1.1. sustainable agriculture

1.2. conserve water

1.3. change your eating habits

1.4. turn off light or unplug devices when not in use

2. waste management

2.1. buy second hand items and donate goods

2.2. use reusable bags

2.3. compost

2.4. shop locally and buy in bulk

3. ozone depletion

3.1. do not use pesticides

3.2. raise awareness

3.3. avoid the consumption of dangerous gases

3.4. maintain air conditioners

3.5. carpool

4. reduce poverty

4.1. create jobs

4.2. increase access to education

4.3. donate

4.4. increase minimum wage

5. desertification

5.1. afforestation

5.2. protect water sources to prevent erosion

5.3. collect rainwater for agricultural use

5.4. crop rotation

6. overpopulation

6.1. consider adoption

6.2. birth control

6.3. educated yourself about population issues

6.4. sex education programs

7. climate change

7.1. reduce, reuse & recycle

7.2. walk, bike or use public transit

7.3. save energy at home

7.4. throw away less food

8. deforestation

8.1. plant trees

8.2. use less paper

8.3. use recycled products

8.4. reduce meat consumption

9. air pollution

9.1. drive less

9.2. do not burn your trash

9.3. change your source of energy

9.4. educate others

9.5. use friendly cleaning products

10. loss of biodiversity

10.1. support local and indigenous communities

10.2. conservation

10.3. respect local habitats

10.4. volunteer