Ethics of Science & Technology

Mapa Mental de Ethics of Science & Technology

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Ethics of Science & Technology by Mind Map: Ethics of Science & Technology

1. Ethic problems

1.1. Science

1.2. Scientific Research

1.3. Development of new technologies

2. Reasons of interest

2.1. Rapidity of change

2.2. Increasing intercultural contact

2.3. Weakening of ethical traditions

2.4. Concern for the environment

2.5. Advances in certain technologies

2.6. Magnified potential of science and technology

2.7. Transnational communications


3.1. Find moral principles that are good

4. UNESCO Activities

4.1. Asia and Pacific

4.1.1. Primary Science Workshop

4.1.2. Regional Seminar on Policy, Research and Capacity Building for Educational Innovation

4.1.3. Seminar on Best Practices and Innovations in the Teaching and Learning of Science

4.2. Africa

4.2.1. SMASSE* Project Activities in Africa

4.3. Cambodia

4.3.1. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) curriculum development capacity building

5. STEE Centres, Associations, Networks

5.1. Hands-On Science (H-Sci) Network

5.1.1. European Union Socrates/

5.2. Science and Technology Indicators for the European Research Area

5.2.1. European Research Area

5.3. Science & Technology Foresight Center

5.3.1. Japan

5.4. Fondation Rubisadt

5.4.1. Cameroon

5.5. U Marinu

5.5.1. France

5.6. Kids and Science Foundation

5.7. Pequeños Científicos (Young scientists)

5.7.1. Venezuela

6. Reasons of study

6.1. Increasing awareness ethical issues

6.2. Deeper understanding

6.3. Determining areas of improvement

6.4. Developing the ability


7.1. questions of right and wrong

7.2. systematic investigation

8. STEE Activities Worldwide

8.1. International Workshop: Girls and Science

8.2. 4th International 5-a-day Symposium

8.3. SMASSE* Project Activities in Africa