Getting married
by Stephen Relf
1. [Approach to advising married couples](
2. [Stamp taxes](
2.1. Additional dwellings
2.2. No spouse exemption
3. [Income tax](
3.1. Jointly held property
3.1.1. Form 17
3.2. The settlements legislation
3.3. Investment reliefs
3.3.1. VCT
3.3.2. EIS
3.3.3. SEIS
3.3.4. SITR
3.4. Transferable allowance
3.5. Married couple's allowance
3.6. Blind person's allowance
3.7. Loss reliefs
3.7.1. Share loss relief
3.7.2. Early trade loss relief
3.8. Travel costs and expenses
4. [Inheritance tax](
4.1. Wedding gifts
4.2. Spouse exemption
4.2.1. Non-UK domiciled spouses