SWOT Analysis

Create a Competitive Analysis / SWOT to position your company in the market

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SWOT Analysis by Mind Map: SWOT Analysis

1. Strengths

1.1. Experienced Management Commitee

1.2. Heritage Building

1.3. Positive Feedback

1.4. Community Support

1.5. Heritage Rich Area

2. Opportunities

2.1. Heritage Centre

2.2. Re-Enactments

2.3. School/Groups Tours

2.4. Integration Project

2.5. Learning Centre

3. Weaknesses

3.1. Finance

3.2. Running Costs

3.3. Lack Of Direction

3.4. Toilet Facilities

3.5. Marketing

4. Threats

4.1. Library

4.2. Recession

4.3. Competition

4.4. Recessionary Budgets

4.5. Further Decrease in Funding