The Power of Yet: You and Your Syllabus

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The Power of Yet: You and Your Syllabus by Mind Map: The Power of Yet: You and Your Syllabus

1. What is "your" syllabus?

1.1. instructor syllabus

1.2. department syllabus

1.3. "master" syllabus

2. master vs. instructor syllabi

2.1. where is the "master" syllabus

3. external institutions that matter

4. different levels

4.1. course

4.2. department/program

4.3. college

4.4. district

4.4.1. academic discipline

4.4.2. academic programs

4.5. external

4.5.1. ICCB Illinois Community College Board

4.5.2. IAI Illinois Articulation Initiative

4.5.3. IBHE Illinois Board of Higher Education

5. What to consider in designing the syllabus

5.1. student-centered vs. non-student-centered

5.2. design principlies

5.2.1. accessibility vs. UDL UDL best practices ally tool accommodate tool decolonization

5.2.2. culturally-responsive

5.2.3. Quality Matters

5.2.4. assessment

5.2.5. OI template

5.2.6. one version or two versions?

5.2.7. AJEDI

6. syllabus components

6.1. what can you change

6.2. what you can't change

6.3. changes that get sent to ICCB

6.4. changes that get sent to IAI

6.5. list of components

6.5.1. look at master syllabus template for PACC

6.5.2. look at curriculum inventory management system

6.5.3. district is setting up a syllabus management tool

7. recommendations for a syllabus audit process

7.1. as an individual, attempt to locate the "master" syllabus

7.1.1. first check at district level

7.1.2. can't find it at district level? check with department

7.1.3. department doesn't have one?

7.1.4. check with discipline liaison

7.1.5. get help from curriculum facilitator

8. Changes I make

8.1. track on a side-by-side chart

8.1.1. becomes artifact for assessment

9. what does a current master syllabus look like


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13. goals, objectives, outcomes, oh my

14. online learning template

15. templates

15.1. online learning

15.2. ohc

15.3. master syllabus

15.4. quality matters

16. the ally tool

17. ajedi curriculum

18. goals, objectives, outcomes, competencies