Bringing in a partner

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Bringing in a partner by Mind Map: Bringing in a partner

1. [Inheritance tax issues](

2. [Types of partner](

2.1. Equity partner

2.2. Salaried partner

2.3. Sleeping partner

2.4. Limited partner

2.5. Family members

3. [VAT issues](

4. [Registration / administration](

5. [Anti-avoidance](

5.1. Restrictions on loss relief

5.2. Partnerships with mixed members

5.3. Salaried members of LLPs

6. [National Insurance contributions](

7. [What makes a partnership?](

8. [Who can be a partner?](

9. [Type of partnership](

9.1. General or ordinary partnership

9.2. Limited partnership

9.3. Limited liability partnership

10. [SDLT issues](

11. [Relief for interest](

12. [Taxation of income](

12.1. Changes in partners

12.2. Corporate partners

12.3. Partners who are not UK resident

13. [Capital gains tax issues](

13.1. Changes in asset ratios

13.2. Assets that have been revalued

13.3. Payments made outside the accounts

13.4. Transfers not at arm's length

13.5. Contribution of an asset

13.6. Reliefs