Buying and selling the family home

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Buying and selling the family home by Mind Map: Buying and selling the family home

1. [Buying the property](

1.1. Ownership

1.2. Stamp duty land tax

1.3. Eligibility for PRR

1.4. Other taxes

1.5. DIY builders

2. [Letting the property](

3. [Selling the property](

3.1. Work-related moves

3.2. Moving abroad

3.3. Moves after short period of occupation

3.4. Larger permitted area

4. [Absences from the property](

4.1. Short absences

4.2. Last 18 months

4.3. Working elsewhere

4.4. PRR restricted

5. [More than one property](

5.1. Only one residence to qualify

5.2. The right to elect

6. [Sale of part of property](

6.1. Separate sales of land/house

6.2. Sale of garden or grounds

6.3. Sale of a new house

6.4. Sale of an existing house

7. [Sale by trustees](

7.1. PRR