Reproduction & Development

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Reproduction & Development by Mind Map: Reproduction & Development

1. Flower

1.1. Structure

1.1.1. Calyx

1.1.2. Corolla

1.1.3. Stamen

1.1.4. Pistil

2. Pollination

2.1. Types of Pollinators

2.2. Double Fertilization

3. Fruits & Seeds

3.1. Seed Structure

3.1.1. Endosperm

3.1.2. Embryo

3.2. Fruits

3.2.1. Simple Fruits

3.2.2. Aggregate Fruits

3.2.3. Multiple Fruits

4. Germination

4.1. Breaking Dormancy

4.2. Early Growth

5. Hormones

5.1. Auxin

5.2. Gibberellin

5.3. Cytokinin

5.4. Ethylene

5.5. Abscisic Acid

6. Growth Responses

6.1. Tropic Responses

6.1.1. Gravitropism

6.1.2. Phototropism

6.1.3. Thigmotropism

6.1.4. Heliotropism

6.2. Nastic Responses

6.2.1. Photoperiodism

6.2.2. Circadian Rhythm

6.2.3. Rapid Leaf Movements