Multi-Tiered System of Support: Student Ownership

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Multi-Tiered System of Support: Student Ownership by Mind Map: Multi-Tiered System of Support: Student Ownership

1. Community Plan

1.1. "Family Engagment Meeting" sharing importance of W.O.O.P. strategy.

1.2. Having students talk with local business to show them how this strategy has "real-world" connections

2. Budget

2.1. Professional Development fees

2.2. Subsitiute Teachers

2.3. Family Engagement Meeting food and pamphlets (English and Spanish)

3. "WOOP Strategy" Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan.

3.1. I plan to implement this strategy into my "wildcat period" which is our tiered-instructional time.

4. Communication Plan:

4.1. I plan to have this strategy featured in our Collins Wildcat Weekly Newsletter. For parents and community

4.2. Grade-level meetings with 5th grade teachers.

5. Feeder School Inclusion Plan

5.1. "Guided" in lower grades

5.2. Introducing "self-monitoring in middle school/junior high

5.3. Goal is "self-autonomy" by high school.

6. Data & Stakeholders

6.1. "ownership meetings" with 5th graders.

6.2. Unified Insights- Data collected from benchmark assesments (S.T.A.R reading, i-ready Math)

6.3. 5th graders will keep a "running log" of WOOP in terms of their academic goals.

6.4. Show school and community leaders "self-autonomy" translates to responsbile citizens in the community.

7. Professional Development:

7.1. Teacher buy-in.

7.2. P.D. on creating a strong school culture. (PLC) Professional Learning Communities.