The 4 Domains of Ohio's Model Curriculum for Social Studies: 3rd Grade

Ohio's 3rd Grade Social Studies domains and standards by Stephanie Gibson

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The 4 Domains of Ohio's Model Curriculum for Social Studies: 3rd Grade by Mind Map: The 4 Domains of Ohio's Model Curriculum for Social Studies: 3rd Grade

1. History - The strand of social studies involving past events, the order they occured in, and the lives of the people who may have lived during them.

1.1. 1. Historical Thinking and Skills: Utilizing timelines, local history events can be shown in chronological order when organized by years, decades, and centuries.

1.2. 2. Historical Thinking and Skills: Both primary sources (records of events that were recorded by people who witnessed them) and secondary sources (records of events that were recorded after they occured by people who did not witness the events) can be valuable in showing how change occurs over time.

1.3. 3. Heritage: Groups of people in a community, sharing the same locality and government, change over time.

2. Geography - The strand of social studies involving the features of the Earth and the places on it and how humans interact with and change it.

2.1. 4. Spatial Thinking and Skills: There are different types of maps that serve different purposes and showcase different characteristics, such as physical and political maps. Various locations and features can be identified on a map using the cardinal directions, title, key, and alphanumeric grid.

2.2. 5. Places and Regions: Daily life within different communities is dependent on the type of agriculture, industry, and natural resources they use and encounter.

2.3. 6. Human Systems: There is evidence of changes made by humans to the local community that can be viewed as positive, as well as negative.

2.4. 7. Human Systems: People, animals, things, and ideas are moved from one location to another via differing modes of transportation and communication.

2.5. 8. Human Systems: Many different types of cultural groups may be found in a single community.

3. Government - The strand of social studies involving laws, systems of authority, and the roles and responsibilities of citizens within the community.

3.1. 9. Civic Participation and Skills: Every member of a local community has certain rights and responsibilities that are important for preserving our democracy.

3.2. 10. Civic Participation and Skills: Individuals can make their community a better place to live by taking initiative to find solutions to problems in ways that promotes the common good.

3.3. 11. Rules and Laws: All members of a community are expected to follow rules that depict the ways they are expected to behave. These rules, called laws, can protect the rights of individuals, provide public services, and work to provide order and security for everyone in the community.

3.4. 12. Roles and Systems of Government: Governments have authority to make and enforce laws, including the consequences for not obeying them.

3.5. 13. Roles and Systems of Government: Differing communities may have differing local government structures.

4. Economics - The strand of social studies involving data for supply and demand, the availability of resources, productivity, imports and exports, consumption, and the ability of individuals to manage their resources.

4.1. 14. Economic Decision Making and Skills: Data changes that occur over a period of time can be shown on line graphs.

4.2. 15. Scarcity: The choices that individuals make and the behaviors they demonstrate are affected by positive incentives that supply rewards and negative incentives that involve penalties.

4.3. 16. Scarcity: Due to a lack of sufficient resources, individuals must make decisions that involve trade-offs.

4.4. 17. Production and Consumption: When people or businesses use resources to make goods or provide a service, they are called a producer. When someone uses those goods or services to satisfy their wants, they are called a consumer.

4.5. 18. Markets: Buyers and sellers of goods and services exchange them in a market.

4.6. 19. Financial Literacy: Both costs and benefits must be considered when making decisions.

4.7. 20. Financial Literacy: People can make better personal economic decisions in the present, as well as the future, using a budget to help themselves become more financially responsible.