Acids and Bases Unit

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Acids and Bases Unit par Mind Map: Acids and Bases Unit

1. Introduction

1.1. Definition

1.2. Examples

2. Types of Acid and Base

2.1. Strong Acids and Bases

2.1.1. HCl

2.1.2. NaOH

2.2. Weak Acids and Bases

2.2.1. CH3COOH

2.2.2. NH3

3. Acid Base titration

3.1. Experiments

3.2. Problem example

4. Characteristics

4.1. Acids react with metal

4.2. Acids:pH < 7,Base: pH >7

4.3. Litmus Paper test

4.4. Tasts

5. salts

5.1. Reaction

5.2. Classification

5.2.1. Soluble

5.2.2. insoluble

5.3. Preparation

5.4. Example

6. Apps supporting instruction

6.1. iElements

6.2. Titration Simulator

6.3. Chemical Equation Toolbox

6.4. pH Meter

6.5. khan Academy

6.6. Youtub