1. Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology
1.1. Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology
1.2. Myths surrounding languages such as; Primitive language, grammar, vocabulary deficiencies.
1.3. Linguistics: The study of language to reveal its structure, (the sounds, meanings). Anthropological linguistics: The subfield of anthropology
1.4. Linguistic Anthropology is a field of anthropology, and views language in the cultural form.
1.5. holistic (ch 1)
1.5.1. concerned with seeing the whole picture, with finding all the parts of the human puzzle and putting them together in a way that makes since
2. Methods of Linguestic Anthropology
2.1. cognitive linguistic anthropology
2.1.1. Seek to explain patterns of shared knowledge.
2.2. field work
2.2.1. Practical were conducted by a researcher in the natural environment rather than the laboratory or office
2.3. micro-macro connection
2.3.1. The interest in capturing the elusive connection between the longer institutional structures and processes the textural details of daily encounters
3. Nuts and Bolts
3.1. phoneme
3.1.1. 2 constructive sound units
3.2. phonology
3.2.1. the structure of sound in language, sound of words and syllables / the study of sound systems
3.3. emics
3.3.1. emic approach involves a study that aims to relate the study of language to a unified theory of structure of human behavior
3.3.2. allophone several varieties of the "p" sound
4. Nuts and Bolts II
4.1. Phonetic transcription
4.1.1. - Visual and neutral way of using symbols to represent sounds
4.2. Phonetic alphabet
4.2.1. - Standardized system of phonetic notation of the sounds represented in a language. - anthropologists cannot use phonetic system of their own language
4.3. Articulators
4.3.1. - produce the various amounts of sounds found in all the world's languages - ex. soft and hard palate, tongue, teeth