1. Second Industrial Revolution
1.1. 1870 - 1910
1.2. Electrification
1.2.1. Rapid Industrialization
1.2.2. New sources of energy - Oil, gas and electricity
1.2.3. Production and manufacturing turns intense with mass production
1.2.4. Better living conditions
1.3. Advancements
1.3.1. Electric motors and generators. Image - https://industrialrevolutiontwo.weebly.com/uploads/4/7/5/0/47507813/1969761.gif?1424838209
1.3.2. Telegraph. Image - https://cdn.britannica.com/00/192200-050-8847FCB9/key-telegraph-Morse-1860.jpg
1.3.3. Airplane. Image - https://www.wright-brothers.org/Information_Desk/Just_the_Facts/Airplanes/Wright_Airplane_images/Model%20B/Atwood_in_Model_B.jpg
1.3.4. Internal combustion engine. Image - https://cdn.britannica.com/12/133012-050-97644BCF/engine-coal-gas-illustration-air-1896.jpg
1.4. Employment Changes
1.4.1. Employment opportunities in steel production
1.4.2. Mechanical jobs replaced by electrician jobs.
1.4.3. The production line system increased production heavily, hence huge jobs were opened in factories
2. Fourth Industrial Revolution
2.1. 2000 - 2020
2.2. Digitalization
2.2.1. Intergation of technology with human lifes
2.2.2. Increased efficiency of manufacturing and production processes with the inclusing of robots tuned by Artificial Inteligence
2.2.3. Interconnectivity between different technical devices gives birth to another virtual world
2.2.4. Huge exchange of personal data between consumers and companies gives rise to privacy risks.
2.2.5. Machine Learning algorithms can predict future outcomes based on small sets of data.
2.3. Advancements
2.3.1. Artificial Intelligence. Image - https://cdn.britannica.com/47/246247-050-F1021DE9/AI-text-to-image-photo-robot-with-computer.jpg
2.3.2. Machine Learning. Image - https://images.prismic.io/turing/652ebc26fbd9a45bcec81819_Deep_Learning_vs_Machine_Learning_3033723be2.webp?auto=format%2Ccompress&fit=max&w=3840
2.3.3. Nanotechnology. Image - https://ieearc.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Application-of-Nano-Technology-in-Electronics-Devices.jpg
2.3.4. Augmented Reality. Image - https://www.ediiie.com/blog/assets/admin/uploads/Augmented-reality-social-media.jpg
2.4. Employment Changes
2.4.1. Robots and AI machines threaten to overtake unskilled repetitive jobs
2.4.2. Huge demand of data scientists to predict and hndle huge loads of big data
2.4.3. With Technology interfering in the real world, people now plan to develop deep technical skills to remian in the job industry
3. First Industrial Revolution
3.1. 1760 - 1840
3.2. Mechanisation
3.2.1. Aggriculture to be replaced by industries
3.2.2. Extraction of coal
3.2.3. Water driven technologies
3.2.4. Manufacture of railroads improved economy
3.2.5. Flourishing textiles industries
3.3. Advancements
3.3.1. Spinning Jenny. Image - https://cdn.britannica.com/57/205257-050-B37A8DE1/Spinning-jenny.jpg
3.3.2. Steam Engine. Image - https://cdn.britannica.com/24/18924-004-FA68A1A6/steam-engine-Jean-Joseph-Etienne-Lenoir.jpg
3.3.3. Water Frame. Image - https://coimages.sciencemuseumgroup.org.uk/38/384/medium_1860_0005.jpg
3.4. Employment Changes
3.4.1. Major impact on agriculture workers
3.4.2. Fields used for developing industries, so farmers had to shift to new carrers
3.4.3. Rising jobs as mechanics and ironsmiths
4. Third Industrial Revolution
4.1. 1960 - 2000
4.2. Automation
4.2.1. Intergration of Information technology in production
4.2.2. Nuclear energy as a source of energy
4.2.3. Improved Telecomunication systems helped in business conversations over internet
4.2.4. Introduction of robots and automation of processes
4.3. Advancements
4.3.1. Optical Fiber. Image - https://www.nai-group.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/shutterstock_526546213.jpg
4.3.2. Artificial Satellite. Image - https://static.sciencelearn.org.nz/images/images/000/004/922/embed/SPACE_ART_17_LANDSAT-9.jpg?1674176411
4.3.3. Semiconductor. Image - https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQwMx8hnNoMsOxzcx8X5zDgSS-JssKYtuURVg&s
4.4. Employment Changes
4.4.1. Jobs replaced by robots and computerised machines
4.4.2. Work culture improved as systems were invented to manage information
4.4.3. At the same time, communications technology helped companies get gloabalise. Thus, jobs created globally