Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)

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Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) by Mind Map: Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)

1. **Anti-Corruption Guidlelines for Public Servants**

1.1. **Avoid accepting gifts** from contractors or suppliers with whom one has official dealings

1.2. **Disclosure of conflicts of interest** if family members are involved in business related to official duties

1.3. **Actively reject bribes** and report any bribery attempts to relevant authorities

2. **Forms of Corruption**

2.1. **False Claims**

2.1.1. Submitting **false information** for personal gain

2.1.2. **Examples** Inflated work claims Falsified receipts

2.2. **Abuse of Power**

2.2.1. Using **authority for personal** or **family gain**

2.2.2. **Examples** A department head awarding a contract to their own company A government officer influencing tender processes for a family-owned company

2.3. **Bribery**

2.3.1. Involves the **exchange of money, gifts, bonuses, services, or other benefits** to influence **official actions**

2.3.2. **Examples** Monetary bribes Gifts or services in exchange for favors

3. **Penalties for Corruption**

3.1. **Imprisonment**

3.1.1. Up to **20 years** for corruption-related offenses

3.2. **Fines**

3.2.1. Up to** 5 times of the value** of the bribe or **RM10,000**

3.3. **Example**

3.3.1. A mathematics lecturer fined **RM25,000** for accepting bribes to inflate student marks

4. **Real-World Corruption Case Examples**

4.1. Police officer, Accepted a bribe of RM200 to avoid action on a close proximit offense, fined RM1,500

4.2. Putrajaya Corportaion Deputy Director, Accepted airplane tickets worth RM3,022 for awarding a project, sentenced to 2 years in prison and fined RM15,110

4.3. Sharia High Court Judge, Imprisoned for 6 years and fined RM210,000 for accepting bribes related to court decisions

5. **Corruption Offenses Under MACC act 2009**

5.1. **Section 16(a) & 17(a)** **Requesting/Receiving Bribes**

5.1.1. Any person who **solicits** or **accepts a bribe** for **performing** or **refraining** from an official act

5.2. **Section 17(b)** **Bidding/Giving Bribes**

5.2.1. Any person who **offers or gives a bribe** as a **reward for an official action**

5.3. **Section 18** **False Claims**

5.3.1. **Making or submitting false claims** to deceive a public authority

5.4. **Section 23** **Abuse of Power by Public Officers**

5.4.1. Public officers using their **position to make decisions that benefit themselves,** their family, or their associates

6. **Definition**

6.1. Corruption

6.1.1. Abuse of **public office** for **private gain**

6.1.2. Misuse of **power, bribery, extortion or fraud**

6.1.3. Not only involving the offence of giving and receiving bribes

6.2. Bribery

6.2.1. **Offering, promising, giving, accepting, or soliciting** an advantage as an **inducement for illegal or unethical actions**

6.2.2. Active bribery is when the person is **offering a bribe**

6.2.3. Passive bribery is when the person is **receiving a bribe**