Torque and Angular Momentum

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Torque and Angular Momentum by Mind Map: Torque and Angular Momentum

1. Torque

1.1. Angular force

1.1.1. Vector quality

1.2. Magnitude

1.3. Point of Application

1.3.1. Pushing perpendicularly gives a maximum torque

1.3.2. Pushing radially inward with same magnitude gives zero torque

1.3.3. Proportional to the perpendicular component will give it a lesser torque

1.4. not seperate from force

1.5. measured by how effective a given force is at twisting or turning something

1.6. Direction

2. PR. Solv. rotational Inertia

2.1. If the object consists of a small number of particles calculate the sum

2.2. For simple geometric shapes advance math be used, for simplier use table 8.1

2.3. decompose object into several parts, find the sum of each, and then add them

2.4. move mass parellel to the rotation axis without changing I

3. Rotational Inertia

3.1. depends on the location of the rotational axis

3.2. Newton's Second Law for Rotations

4. Spinning of torque

4.1. Counterclockwise

4.1.1. Positive

4.2. Clockwise

4.2.1. negative

5. Problem solving for Lever arms

5.1. Draw a line parallel to the force through the force's point of application

5.2. Draw a line from the rotation axis to the line of action

5.3. the magnitude of the torque is the magnitude of the force times the lever arm

5.4. Determine the algebraic sign of the torque as before

6. Concepts are the same as linear Kinematics