
Create a To-Do list for your upcoming tasks

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Health por Mind Map: Health

1. Exercise

1.1. Mentally

1.1.1. brain power

1.1.2. rest

1.2. Physically

1.2.1. weights

1.2.2. aerobics

2. Sleep

2.1. a good nights sleep

2.1.1. approx. 8 hours

2.1.2. comfortable mattress

2.2. regular pattern

2.2.1. sleep habits stay the same even on the weekends

3. Diet

3.1. Lots of water

3.2. Eat healthy

3.2.1. fruits

3.2.2. vegetables

3.3. Small meals/snacks

3.3.1. Meeting 1

3.3.2. Meeting 2

4. Stress

4.1. Relaxing techniques

4.1.1. Yoga

4.1.2. Meditation

4.2. Exercise

4.2.1. mind

4.2.2. body